FoL Feedback Thread

Knights cannot see alignments directly. Paladin can.

so are you saying it’s bad because they are invest or because they are killer?

Can we change the knight alt?

I don’t like suiciding.

If you kill prince but they are healed you diez


Hunters can misfire.
Knights cannot misfire but die…
Paladins cannot misfire and can investigate.


You mean wolves can misfire?

NO. Seriously, vanilla invoker is boring as ass


Says more about why we should nerf paladin than why we should nerf converted paladin.


Make paladin great again actually investigative and move on.


So basically just investigative but nothing else?
This IS a good idea.
However, then not convertible… and unique.

Also rather mixed on this, but should Knights get armored as a passive

Personally I’d say no because of BD’s high winrate as of rn

  • Yes armored
  • No armored

0 voters

But if pally becomes non unique, we are probably going to have to remove some abilities to tone down the class? Itd be too hurtful for cult having 2 running around

Remember. The converted ability’s are a big reason of why you would convert someone rather than kill them (because you could just kill them and take someone with better ability’s instead)


I don’t like dying as knight :frowning:

Well, as cult you have to sacrifice to kill, but not to convert… soooo…

Not yet. Give Scum more buffs before we start buffing BD. Knight is much stronger in FoL than ToL by default already.

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sooo you will always be pressed for numbers and want to make sure that you are being as efficient as possible.

…which is probably why the nerfed unique, but unconvertible Paladin:
Test faith(ul uses): Determine if someone is cult

is better.

Just remove those aspects. Duh.

Personally id change pally’s classtype to investigative and tone down Cleanse.

Also give him fucking cult points you dingus


Having 2 pallys running around with cleanse is a shitshow for cult