FoL Feedback Thread

“Priestess just lied to have an optimal play for BD!
But it’s lying!
So lynch them!”

(okay, maybe claiming Assassin wasn’t the best thing to do as BD :eyes: but you get the gist.)

See, people have been lying about who they’re going to protect…
… It’s just that then we go on a different target who isn’t being attacked. :eyes:

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I mean

we can nerf both tbh

and nerf King and Priest

and add squire back

so, alot of nerfs in general lul

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I want a nerf of protectives and KP.
I’m not sitting here hitting a button for no reason. And then being hung if I actually try to do something.

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Or we could do the opposite. Like… buffing underpowered classes. :thinking:

and it honestly doesnt surprise me tbh

Both powers have so many tools at their disposal

nerfing, and even removing some can balance both sides out.

Which would increase swing

which is the problem atm

the amount of swing thats currently affecting the game

Nerfing power can reduce it.

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Please explain that further. I have heared it a lot, but I don’t see why it’s true.

For all town’s mistakes, the protectives in LotR FM did a decent job of getting saves (perhaps a little too well :upside_down_face:). Is there something about that game that we can replicate to actually succeed at protecting people?

It feels the most fun as maf or self-resolver, because you can do fun plays without the risk of being myslynched(or executed by a dumbass price (sorry again))

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Scum whiffed so hard at night, and won it in the day.

Town was destroyed in day, but did pretty dang well at night

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Oh, don’t worry about it. Whenever I do something stupid and die for it we always win.
Evident from Short Fuse 4 and Clash of Cults.
It’s calculated.

So, by buffing classes and not changing anything else,

It would add more power to those classes, which means they can impact the game alot more, even though every other class heavily impacts the game

Because it change the affect and direction of the game, it increases swing, as it can take one good night for either side to change the outcome of the game instantly.

I think it’s the knights fault for claiming knight if they get mislynched for being a knight claim

Change my mind

Knights are expendable for being a protective which we have enough of, so just lynch it. If it’s knight boo hoo we have three backup protectives.

Whenever I cause your death, town wins.

time to push a d1 myslynched on you in every game

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Knight is also a night vig with guilt.

Actually though

Knights are powerful, but they have high fucking risk

and are best Fakeclaim lul.

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Honestly you are blaming protectives too much, scum have ways to get around protectives

get good