FoL Feedback Thread

In this case, it has mechanical incentive to push its agenda
I was just so far ahead in that game that I could conceivably scumside with no punishment to myself

Normally that’s not the case, so the role is actually a good survivor role

Solution, Macho Alch. If they claim neut they get strongmanned.

This happened in SFoL31 and it was just draining, which is why I make sure to give neutrals an agenda when I design them.

Still boring to play as
Winning is not the problem

I mean, old fool is kinda good so people actually care for which evil they execute. If you don’t care for it and just execute any evil you see, you end up the same with FoL 20.

You can’t differentiate evils unless you have an investigative class check them.

It’s kinda hard to read for exact evil because there’s not much to work off of
It can be done, but that almost necessitates associations

Why can’t you? We in ToL can do that pretty easily.

And fail like half the times.

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People here rarely claim in their class grouping and it allows more freedom here to fakeclaim because of reduced feedback.

Well you can at least find out if someone is group scum or single scum, by reading their associations.

Generally, fool is not fun to deal with because it forces you to second guess every. single. player.

It’s sometimes hard even there because bussing

This works, but you get the same associations from a Fool and an NK.

but Thats the fun

Question, do any other forum setups feature a Fool type class?

Technically I think ToSFM uses it, but I’m pretty sure it was removed eventually

Not really.
Not many FM setups use Jesters.

Do they? Didn’t they remove them?

I haven’t checked their site in a while
I’m p sure they yeeted it