FoL Feedback Thread

Idea:Bring revenant back


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That was part of the problem, ye
If he actually changed his flip there would have been grey area

What did they even do, whatā€™s their class card

Idea list:

Strigoi in
Alch out

Add some SFoL 00 classes but rebalanced
Standardize and clarify interactions (mixed NAR/RAR)

+2 players


Peasant gleams as itā€™s the top rated class of that game

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Well current Alch is completely broken, so weā€™re here on the same side, Geyde.

We donā€™t need more BD PRs smh


Strigoi is just alch Who can win earlier than end game

How about adding the insurgent I found his gameplay loop extremely fun

Would also help reduce King swing.


Btw yeah Alice, you designed quite a bunch of good classes in HoB


That really only happened because I got king that game

Iā€™m still debating whether or not to do the king election d1 thing
So itā€™s on the table, but I havenā€™t made a decision

King d1 election is kinda nightmarish.

Add imperial chat. Best feature of emperors, also gives kings a thing to do during the day other than gt

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I meant the Insurgent. Still works with a starting King.

Add 2 Kingā€™s 1 is EK other GK And theyre both unkillable And unlynchable

The issue I have with that was that thereā€™s no reason not to make a player who obvtowns themselves King d1. Basically, very few people are actually going to be able to become King.

The issue I have with King d1 election is that always the same people will get king.