FoL Feedback Thread

The method for which ability gets refunded via Donation?

I think this is to swingy especially if unnanounced. If it gets through at most it be 1 use

og king or the last king eleced?

thats a no no

Okay, can someone remind me why you can’t use abilities, while someone is on Grand Trial?

The last King elected.

Abilities cannot be used during the grand trial, so the Queen has to predict correctly and Kings only get one grand trial. Discussion for this can arise.

Explain why it’s a no-no pls.

I like that aspect of it, but if it is not announced it can be extremely swingy, plus depending on converts/rolls it can be either extremely BD or scum sided. BD sided most of the time

We nerfed king so he couldnt do this, so all kings/queens should have the same nerf

oops replied to wrong person sorry

And why was King nerfed so he couldn’t do this?

too swingy

… That isn’t a reason.
Explain why it’s too ‘swingy’.
What does it do to be swingy?

Has 3 votes

I think “you cannot use abilities on trial” is a relict of times when there were trials…

Because it’s far too swingy if someone could say, bleed someone while that player is on trial, or while someone is on trial a Butler can poison.

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can u use them during gt in tol?

No he doesn’t have three votes.
He removes his double vote. He has the exact same amount of votes when using Grand Trial or not using Grand Trial.

He can reduce majority with GT making it basically 3 vote worth

He used to have double vote and remove the other persons vote. Thus making a net postive swing by doing that. Now he has his vote and removes the other persons vote

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grand trial in tol?

lol its been a bit since i had a king game in tol,

Can we have Grand Trial gladiate instead?

No this was already discussed