FoL Feedback Thread

18 players is probably a good idea.

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Iā€™m not necessarily agreeing with any of the options presented

Soulshade: feedback is appreciated, but only constructive feedback

no, this

Would giving a 50% or lower spawn rate of a third evil (unseen or cult) or a nk be a better alternative?

I donā€™t see what is wrong with a day 1 lynch, town wins more often in vanilla setups if its a day 1 VT lynch apparently

Game becomes more swingy
It ends faster


Delusional, doesnā€™t sound like a nice thing tto say? :<

ā€œhurr durrā€

Talking down to me condescendingly and insulting my intelligence, thinking your superior

But NK part is more important

And I gave some but people ignore that donā€™t they

Iā€™m more inclined to go the delete nk route personally
But ToL has it so thatā€™s a big stop

We noticed your prior feedback weā€™re criticising your benign feedback


Because what Iā€™m seeing is that people are trying to be macho about what the game needs to be improved

Who cares about ToL this is fol

I gave feedback on how alchemist killing people is inconsistent compared to other bd killers and that shouldnā€™t be a thing but you only read what you want to hear

At that point game is becoming too dissimilar to tol

And we actually considered that.

Standardising guilt is a good idea but that is not what we are criticizing