FoL Feedback Thread

You don’t calculate fear of PGOs into KPN, why would this be different

I’m not sure I personally agree I would follow that but I also fail to see how this is a problem, relatively

If you’re wrong then without suicide you lose your ability and go on trying to find scum and make up for your mistake. If you’re right you can kill again.

If you have suicide guilt and put it off then if that person is scum you’ll probably just CS them later and the effect is merely delayed.

The issue is that even if this were a big problem, drying after killing a teammate is worse

The only reasons Knight doesn’t make it a huge issue is that its suicide guilt is paired with omniscience and that the devs made defend so absurdly powerful that we can’t afford to buff CS at all

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Notably the issue in FoL is that omniscence is also gone

Hence this discussion

whatever happened to death notes btw

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The problem was it increasing kpn

Idk what you are talking about, orange
But I know
If you are 70% sure someone is evil
you would shoot them as Knight without (suicide) guilt
you would not shoot them with (suicide) guilt

You can’t discuss that away ^^

They were deleted cuz people used them to confirm themselves as BD

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Even if we assume that’s always true, what does that matter?

It doesn’t.

It’s basically outside the scope of the conversation.

Please stop focusing on it.

I’m pretty sure you were talking about “Should we make Knights or BD Alch guiltless” lol

That’s sad, they were very fun

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Afaik we’ve always had suicide guilt so no?

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No, not really

It’s a general discussion on the theory behind guilt as a mechanic

Sorry, I thought you were talking about fol :stuck_out_tongue:

She meant that if you remove suicide guilt people will be more likely to kill as knight

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It started from a discussion about standardizing guilt

Then Soul/Ici moved it to a theoretical future direction

Not sure where you got lost

Probably somewhere on the “this is a fol feedback thread so the discussion is about fol” side
Sorry, didn’t see that you went off-topic, you might want to take this then to another thread, maybe a general fm discussion thread

My point is that the downsides outweigh it too much to be worth using

God forbid we discuss the theory behind the mechanics our game uses to talk about feedback that was given for our game in a thread for feedback about our game

Blame me for discussing about fol, lul!
But well, let’s get back to topic