FoL Feedback Thread

“Was my target immune or did someone interrupt me, do I out myself and the protector/ offensive or do I take a double check on my read on my target.”

Also you can fake CS to get a mislynch that way /shrug

I’m agreeing this is also a problem, but I’d honestly just opt for an entire Cold Steel rework rather than reworking the guilt.
I’d like to keep the bodyguard theme though.

And by entire cold steel rework, I mean completely remove the fact he’s a guilt vigilante.
Give him some unique flavor that isn’t a direct copy of Archer’s arrow shot just with worse guilt.

I’m not good at balance so I’ll leave you people to think of good balance suggestions for this.

Knight in it’s current state just feels useless ngl.
Cold Steel has too harsh consequences and too high probability.
Defend feels really boring as well. It’s just pressing a button.

What I do like about Knight is both abilities have different targets:

Cold Steel

You want to use them on two different factions, and therefore forcing the player to scumread AND townread unlike something like physician where you can just look for townreads.
I’d also like to keep this the same. No idea how you’d do it.

the real solution is not to have a town alligned bus driver tbh



wait… you think Knight is useless?

No, it feels useless. It is not useless.

then we can have limited or no guilt and allow the Knight’s attack to misfire as a reward/punishment

Why does he feel useless to you?

Because I don’t find any fun in mashing a button, with the other alternative to potentially kill the Prince and myself.

That’s why you only cs people you are very very sure being evil :thinking:
btw Knight is, after Prince, probably the strongest BD class
and technically all classes are just “pressing buttons”

Chronomancer is better.

Wait… Chronomancer?
FoL Chronomancer is hecking useless, its just a worse Phys



When Knight works, it works wonders.
When it doesn’t work, it’s entirely useless and feels rubbish to play.

It’s a high-skill cap Knight.
I find fun in having to think about actions before doing them.

Mashing ‘defend’ on anyone blatantly town doesn’t require skill nor is it fun.
It’s honestly just a question for the evils ‘Does or Doesn’t Knight exist’

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Chronomancer is pretty crippled by limited feedback
You don’t even know when you can redirect deaths
And you can’t confirm yourself by the special kind of delay

… That’s exactly why it’s fun.
You have to predict the evil’s thinking and the night kills.