FoL Feedback Thread


18 players is the solution to this IMO

Game is too high powered for a 16er

And the average player makes both good and bad shots as vig, so why would they want to improve if they know faliure is harshly punished if they fail to improve?

You roll knight
Suddenly itā€™s optimal play to CS n2/n3

If weā€™re talking about vig guilt being good because it discourages yolo shots, it also discourages people from getting better at the game because it breeds a culture of failure being a one-way ticket to deadsville, and thus makes people not want to bother improving.

Which is a pity, because becoming at least decent at mafia is one of the most fun things iā€™ve done in the past few years, and I think games are always more fun when you have more engaged, fun, skilled players.

Okayā€¦ yolo killing BD is apparently considered as ā€œgood way to get better in the gameā€ā€¦ argh.

Unfortunately, it is. People are a lot better at recognising why the flipped villager they killed is a villager, which helps them understand what to look for.

Knight CS reworked into
CS (inf use) Kill your target, you will have to additionally provide a 500 word essay on why you believe they are evil. The host will decide if your reasoning is valid. If you CS a BD or your reasoning is considered invalid you will commit suicide and the players will freely able to call you a moron.

There, balanced around good players.


Iā€™d make Archer plainly redirect immune then too instead of conditional on multishot. Both Alcholic and Wench have limited abilities to deal with them still and Invoker can occupy. Just Warlock would be shafted here, but I think thatā€™s kind of fine, considering they are already +1 for evil faction.

It also differentiates them with other BD killers.

Still have another idea, but Iā€™ll wait once Iā€™m home in a day or so to share.

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Let people make mistakes, and let them learn from them.


Let not encourage people to make mistakes ^^


Host bias.


Iā€™m not encouraging people to make mistakes by removing guilt.

Suicide guilt is basically: ā€œThink about your actions, donā€™t kill blindly, only kill when you are really really sureā€

You know what else is? the threat of killing a fucking villager


You know what happens in real, when you donā€™t have guilt? You just policy kill people

and then being alive to have all your fellow villagers yell at you for making a bad shot

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ā€œencouraging toxicityā€

Honestly, without guilt, Knight would just CS everytime over defend.

And itā€™d be broken as hell.

I donā€™t love guilt as a mechanic, but itā€™s in ToL and Iā€™m honestly 50/50 on it.

literally not the point
iā€™m trying to illustrate why your argument dosenā€™t work because the argument extends to defending any practise if it discourages making bad shots