FoL Feedback Thread

Best way to kill massclaims?


Always has been, always will be.


yeah but Citizens + Converts isā€¦ ew

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Unseen Points confirmed

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What if itā€™s a citizen at BD but when converted, gains abilities of a chosen class by the CL/MM?
Citizen is good. The conversion of a citizen isnā€™t rewarding unless we use a twist
Another alternative is Citizen but before game, you also RNG what each citizen will take the BD class of when converted


Multiple Princes? i like this idea.

How about we use a brand new kind of trial:

If you are put to trial you are always instantly executed and the day ends immediately.


Having mm or cl choose what cits become is a good idea tbf.

I wouldnā€™t be opposed to it, certainly at least to have a test run. I think a lot of newer peeps wouldnā€™t enjoy being a citizen tho.

That sounds like a very good idea to test.

I feel like thatā€™s been discussed before but Iā€™m down

The variable nature of converting a Cit is somewhat balanced by the lack of removing a town PR

But it also may be too strong - maybe each Cit gets a random class type, and they can only pick one of those classes? Helps with class type checks too, although could be too chaotic.


Iā€™m hoping this is a joke.
Weā€™re FoL aka Forum ToL. Not FMoL aka Forum Mafia of Lies.
FM - Instant exe when put to trial. FoL - Not

What a novel concept, whatā€™s it called? :thinking:



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Itā€™s still a trial :wink:

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Just the kind of ā€œtrialā€ they have in North Korea where if ur accused ur always killed.


or sent to prison camps to rot for 20 years until you get killed

inb4 someone makes an SFoL around that

itā€™ll be called SFoL: Dungeon calling it now

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No I think what we need is another UPick


the dark age of Upick must continue