FoL Feedback Thread

+1 neut is sometimes worth +.75 scum 3/6s of the time (scum neuts given normal calculations for other games are worth .5 a scum. They have more powers here though which make them a lot more potent)
Other times it’s worth less

But it’s a big danger to add more neuts, even if it’s random

If someone claims heretic in a game with heretics and the Inq doesn’t out them it basically confirms them as real

I guess you could have a world where the Inq’s heretics are, like, Phys/Phys/Ritualist (yes that’s allowed in FoL) and the Rit claims heretic Phys

Why would inq ever out in that instance if they hadn’t killed a heretic before that point

They don’t have to necessarily out as Inq

“I’m heretic phys”
“no you’re not you were K/O last night”

it kiiiinda outs them but not really

But like…I have no reason to defend…I don’t care about saving lives in FoL if I can kill, kapow.

that’s a 1-way ticket to looking like MM with foresite


MM foresighting a Phys usually looks more like casually putting it in your logs than like going “WEEEoooo WEEEEooooo I FOUND A K/O” and definitely more like that then like responding to a phys claim with “nO YOU WERE K/O YOU LIAR”

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Considering that Knight goes Support and Hunter is unique, most K/O are Physicians yes
I remember where everyone believed I was really princess because I marked an unclaimed Phys as S/S

looks at Butler
looks at Drunk
looks at Tavernkeeper
looks at Archer

Yeah but offensives don’t exist


Wait I totally forgot those guys existed

Nvmd nvmd

also lul

Man I feel like a boomer now

I don’t disagree with this statement, but I feel there are benefits to the overall game structure with adding a potential neutral spot.

  • Less mechanical reliance. The presence of neutrals in general force reads instead of mechanical reliance due to the fact that the mechanics could be wrong.

  • Touching on mechanics, due to mechanics there is still easy ways to get mechanically confirmed as BD. Adding a potential neutral spot gives more claim merit to scum, especially for the NKs which are in bad shape.

  • Neutrals are absolute wildcards. While most of the time they only benefit evil, there are ways that neutrals have found a way to be useful for town. (See: FoL 25)

What I DO suggest is the idea of adding more neutrals with wincons that don’t include the words “Blue Dragon must be defeated”. Neutrals aren’t meant to be solely scum sided; their purpose is to disrupt the flow of the game. Make more neutrals that can do just that while not being forced to a side.

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Yeah FoL has way too many scum neuts


Fool was reworked to be a scum objective from a solo objective, which is fine but we were not compensated for that. Alchemist was also removed though I feel that was a net positive.

In the current iteration, Sellsword-Warlock-Fool are 100% scum reliant.

Mercenary-Inquisitor-Scorned can win with both.

Let’s brainstorm!

Yeah it is balanced that is for sure

I know you are saying this with an /s implied, but NKs will ALWAYS be reliant on other Neutrals. You can’t blame a Lich loss on a balance issue, its a player agenda issue.

Fool can win with BD, however it relies on BD to lynch no more to one, their only BD thing what Fool can do is day faction check, that’s it.

Further more, you disrupt the game a lot by lynching them.