FoL Feedback Thread

Its unnecessary is what I mean. It exists for the sake of existing

Its a neutral neut
Its better designed than most of your current neuts

Yes but how does it help us upkeep the tol spirit

aLCHemIst is sWInGy.

introducing another neutral that is more swingy then alchemist with a weird win con

All neuts exist for the sake of existing.

They’re meant to interrupt the flow of the game. A Stringoi interrupts checks, can prevent a heal on a player getting heals and is going to swing their pushes towards unbitten players. All of those things add an element of chaos in a game that can easily be solved on pure mechanics.

Its most definitely the spirit of ToL/FoL. Putting value on reads and social deduction over mechanics.

Well no, neuts exist often to fix balance issues in a game for instance, the amnesiac exists to lessen swing

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Examples, Luxy? I dont see at all what you mean

Ah yes the balance, we have fool who is a secret scum member, we have sell sword a secret scum member, nk ok u have that one, we have inq who was to improve the quality of games but right now is more a free win that makes the kpn even higher, we have merc a balanced class, alch was so bad and added 0 to the balance he was reworked. We have I cant remember any other neuts. So I give u Merc and the NK slot in general otherwise it’s just a cluster shuck of random bs

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No, everyone are lunatics :smirk:

I just gave an example

I disagreed, remember everyone claimed Heretics? Datbird did, Kai did and Derps did.

What are they thinking, hoping INQ can’t lynch them?

Neuts are supposed to be more scumsided

Exactly for balance

I would go and defend heathens as BD (No jk I am NK)

That was solved right at D2 and trust me, I am so baffles that I had to improvise my NK win plan

The problem is that these heathens just gamethrew

Which is unfortunately true, they just don’t care aside from lynching the assassin while the inq gets the win.

It’s not The Way of Blue Dragons to rely on neuts reads even it takes to kill 3 BD unless unseen heathen got converted.

It is also poor excuse to justifiy lynch on inactive players who got replaced by other player that is actively playing deserves to be lynched, PoE can be changed you know, that is where D3 went out of hand (despite it’s lynched correctly)

The Illuminati class kek

Well one I did it to hope that others wouldnt and to hope that we could just move on. I know Derps was revealed by king. The other idk. It could have been handled better but still uninformed was more fun imo

I think one of the BD’s tried a bit too hard with softing and got ignored, didn’t want to lynch INQ either