FoL Feedback Thread

Yes, she’s my biological daughter
Sometimes I wish she would lolkat less, but eh, they are like they are, arent they
She has a lot of me


im a born thrower


With FoL 26 over, we’re looking into some balance changes. I had a couple of specific questions based on things that people brought up during the game.

  1. Is 18 player FoL excessively townsided? If so, how can this be fixed?

  2. Several players complained about the D2 massclaim. Is the current level of massclaiming making the game unfun? Separately, is it too strong? If either of these is a ‘yes,’ how can we solve this?

Feel free to chime in with your thoughts regardless of where you fall on the issues, or to bring up anything else you think should be changed, I’m trying to hear as many perspectives as possible

Like I said from the start, 2 neuts and 1 neut/Bd slot


It is mega townsided TBH

More neuts will never make the game more predictably balanced


Second this

Also: I don’t think the game needs predictability balance.

The reason its so easy to find scum is because of predictability.

Throwing in neuts rearranged the formula. What if BD hang a neut instead? What if a scum killer kills a neut? The balance isn’t skewed one side because these slots are lone wolf.

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The way I see it there is no difference between balance And no balance

I don’t think you understand what I mean

I mean swing

I feel like to combat swing, you’d have to make the rolls not random. There’s no other way.

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I honestly don’t know what I could contribute to this discussion, but what I do know is that in FoL 26, a lot of villagers got cleared for mech reasons even though they were barely >rand V based on their posting, at best.

Derps especially got cleared because of a gossip that confirmed his investigation, and apparently that cleared the Noble as well.

I may be misinterpreting stuff, and this might not even have been caused by FoL’s setup itself, but that’s my observation. Maybe it was just in that game.

Fol 26 had 5 investigatives.

5 investigatives and 1 noble.

It’s moreso about distribution of power

If you have a slot that can roll, for example, Knight or Hunter, that’s about even so you can predict what kind of effect it’s likely to have on the game.

A slot that can roll a larger range of classes is generally harder to account for.

One that can be +1 to a faction or a neut is pretty swingy.

One that can be +1 to a faction or a member of an opposing faction is even worse.

It’s incredibly difficult to balance games that have such a wide range of rands, as targeting the midpoint means that the rand itself is a significant factor in determining any given victory. At that point, you’re playing RNG.

That’s the kinda shit any good host ought to re-rand tbh

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Things like that just waste players’ time and aren’t fun

I do agree that rolls should be a little less RNG because you get either townsided or scumsided setups. I think it should be at hosts discretion to re-roll some slots if the setup is too swingy.

I agree