FoL Feedback Thread

But its not FoL then

unfortunately, I’ve determined what FoL currently is is nothing more than a game where 4 people get absoloutely fucked 100% of the time and everyone else wins for free

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It’s really not that hard to tone down the power of BD classes honestly.

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making Observer follow either just a tracker or just a watcher would be a good start

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Nerfing the shit outta maid too

And butler does not need party.

Or just make her unique. That can work too. :thinking: Unless you’re thinking about complete rework and spliting her abillities to 2 separate classes.

Making uniques just further reduces claim space for evils which is completely counteractive to our aims.


Nah I’d just make her rb check a night ability and remove her faction check.

I’d like to see her main check nerfed too to make it so royals are only compatible with other royals aswell.

Where is my Sheriff and Paladin rework? REEE

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We are going to first try out a feedback-less FOL to see if it helps.
You’re only told if you’re A) Jailed
B) Bled
C) you investigated someone
that’s it

If this STILL Results in a ridiculously bd favored mode, it’s time for a full scale rework probably


Okay so people won’t know they are dead :clap:


That too

The FoL members have to all approve it, then the idea is passed on to a secondary panel of 17 experts. If they approve it, it passes on to data analysts at NASA, at which point a team of geopolitical experts in the EU make sure there is nothing too controversial. If they all pass it, it goes to popular vote in Ukraine where every single person has to vote yes or no, including fetuses which were alive at the time (so you have to wait 9 months untill they’re born).

I assume the process must be this because I doubt it would take very long otherwise.


Failed to pass :man_shrugging:

yeah PAladin needs to get nerfed the shit out of

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Wait what? I see majority of the votes are on 'Yes". :eyes:

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Kinkshaming. Hippo, you crossed the line

Royals arent compatible with eachother because its weird