FoL Feedback Thread

petition to add a neutral investigative called the “nerd” with a wincon that i havent came up with yet just so i can forceroll it to arete


ok but only if we can ban anyone who tries to shorten the name.


Bring back Lich

Give it a spawnrate of 0 percent


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nk is not a faction and frankly should not be winning every 1/10 games

He is one of the sides in the competition and should be treated as such. You don’t see people wanting to give the monster in Evolve a 20% winrate for being only 1/5th of the players in a match. So why is the NK any different?


Because that’s not a team-based game

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It’s asymmetric but decidedly not teams

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sure it is, just not for both sides.

If you were playing a competitive game where you could roll any team, would you not want an equal chance to win?

yeah a 1/18 chance :stuck_out_tongue:

So 1/18th of the time you’d quit the game, knowing that you have virtually no way of beating the 8-9/18 chance of BD + 1-2/18 chance of cultseen?

No as I have shown I can do rather well as NK and love the role

And how well do you accurately represent the average player?

Idk how well do you?

I, for one, am not claiming that I am the best example of the average player.

Have you heard of the Veil of Ignorance?

Well this question is dumb lets move on, hoe does one even say if they are average player

I’m pretty average

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Idea: Anti-Slank Neut that has two goals (kill some slankers or if no one is slanking another thematic goal)

Saying something is dumb is not the same as demonstrating it’s dumb.

The point I was making is that you, or anyone, have no idea what you will roll, and if you continuously roll NK and lose to your 1/18 chance each time, not even improving will help you as you will always have less chance than the first major faction.
