FoL Feedback Thread

icibalus + marl scumteam 2: electric boogaloo

coming soon to a forum near you


also i like service nerf since it’s still useful but not too much

Alch doesn’t really need to know
Could maybe implement it as a limited use physician day ability if it looks like it’s necessary?


That seems like a good idea. It’s not drunk or something which is guaranteed to direct their target, phys actually has to play really well to heal a target from an attack, so being informed just seems fair. It’s incredibly unlikely it would ever confirm anyone anyway - only healer is informed and 9/10 times healers are on confirmed ppl anyway.

Maybe something like a day ability as so

Diagnosis: Learn the outcome of your last healing action. 3 uses


you guys were actually pretty great not gonna lie.

Marl was leading all the mislynches, even if I was very salty about that game.
Glad that was also the game where people started to question the “sheep Marl meta”

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If a player dies from the bleed/poison, will they know they died from the bleed/poison or would it be the generic attack message.

I’d much rather the generic attack message because Priests would become even more powerful.

Yeah cuz priest needs a buff…

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yeah. They’d become more powerful if they knew players died from bleed/poison.

I am very great english speak.

fucking hell someone has unironically asked me if english is a 2nd language in a voice chat

You should mention hunter if it counts as change (i got slept peacefully when vulgard attacked me as reaper in EFoL)

They will just be informed that they have died

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Yes I understand that I’m saying they’re already by far the best BD other than prince so why buff them?

if Margaret created the class. Sure.

The message for dying to poison:
“You have died.”
The message for dying to an attack
“You have died.”


there’s a very subtle difference, if you zoom in on the “e”, you can see a tiny physician on the top one


Can we nerf Cult after these changes?

Which e?

If cult becomes a problem we will handle it, i assure you
we wont know whats strong until this gamemode is played a couple of times with cult



I’m going to suggest a priest rework.

The OPriest :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Support
Devoted (Passive) - You are immune to death, even by means that bypass death immunity and everything that can stop you from visiting somebody.
Bind Soul (Day) - Make player immune to death, poison and bleeding for the rest of the game. - 2 uses
God’s Anger (Day) - Dayvig targeted player. - Infinite uses
Revive (Night) - Bring targeted dead player back to life. - Infinite uses
Gateway of the Dead (Night) - Find targeted player’s exact faction and classtype. - Infinite uses

Convert Immune