FoL Feedback Thread

Idk his mindset, was trying to figure out what he meant

I think the idea of ā€œrework Mercenary to not be ā€˜guard assigned contractsā€™ā€ is not a super hard idea to grasp even if I donā€™t have a plan off the top of my head

brilder Merc


Thereā€™s probably ways to make that an improvement

They would have same problem as surv since they dont have Any reason to do anything at day

It was a joke thatā€™s why itā€™s crossed out

Works in ToL but not in fol

Oh okay

But like


Thereā€™s probably ways to make that concept better than current Merc

(Like removing it)

Thats actually false. Neuts should be neuts, not hidden evils. Or neuts who damage all factions alike like old fool muhahaha
Neuts should be annoying but not evil, so claiming neut as evil or as BD becomes viable

I fail to see how ā€œshouldā€ works here

I can see ā€œcanā€, or ā€œcouldā€, but I donā€™t really see the benefits that make ā€œshouldā€ an appropriate word?

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doesnā€™t even work interestingly in tol


Neuts should be annoying, so you dont open claim d1
Waitā€¦ we already claim as BD D1ā€¦ yea forget it. D1 neut claims arent worse

But that makes it more swingy

if neuts can just open-claim and be left alone all game that kind of defeats the point of having neuts


I wouldnā€™t say it makes them more swingy
It just makes them less interesting

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I am talking about chaos neuts over all NE


the point of neuts is not to exist for the sake of existing

the point of neuts:

theyā€™re cool