FoL Feedback Thread

Mod discretion. It’s pretty obvious when a player is trying to circumvent anti-claim mechanics and when they aren’t.

You could have it tied to scum guessing it and posting a quote, possibly limited?
Generally a neut public claim means they are townsiding

mod discretion is yikes for semi-open, though

Mod discretion has no place in a standardized Fol tho, I think. Cuz every host does it different

This would work. Allow the scum to be able to mess with the true neutrals if they manage to guess their claims. This means that there will be a reason for the neutrals to actually fear the wolves as they will have alternate means of punishing BD-siding neuts other than wasting KP.

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Why should Evils kill scumsided neuts tho??

They wouldn’t

Well probably
I’m not them

Not really, though scum should have a method of dealing with townsiding neuts without wasting their own KP.

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We have not a single BD sided neut anymore… only 3 neutral neuts and 3 scumsided neuts

I mean adding something like this would enable us to add more traditionally townsided neuts


you know what else would allow that? remo-

Remodel my house?
I would, but honestly I don’t have the time


For that reason

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Messages loaded out of order nvm

Okay stupid question but what’s the point of a town sided neut even

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I mean I agree but :man_shrugging:

Alternate wincons other than removing scum.

To give them bread so when he dies, those with bread dont starve

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Neutral Support

Skingraft (Night) - If your target is a neutral, they will die, and you may choose any class for them to be revealed as, and rewrite their logs. You will become an exact copy of that player’s class, including their wincon, but with one extra shot of every limited-use ability. If they are not a neutral class, you may not use this ability tommorrow night. - Infinite uses.

You cannot win. Steal another player’s wincon and win as their class!

alternative, very dumb idea.