FoL Feedback Thread

Obviously Newbie games are written such that they expressly allow this

But even then, only with one dedicated mentor

Sorry, it doesnt damage the game in any way if I speak about it with my irl sister. Thats riddiculous.

Thatā€™s not the implication ā€œbackseat playingā€ gives

Like at all

What exactly do you mean by backseat playing? Just so that Iā€™m sure I understand.

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At this point I have the same question lol

Talking about the game.
Talking about your reads.
Not ā€œcopy+paste the words of the other guyā€

To someone else thatā€™s not part of the game with the intention of getting their advice?

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But like

With who

I would agree discussions with your sister are probably fine

But if youā€™re, like, actively coaching someone, or getting advice from someone much more experienced on the forum/giving advice to someone much less experienced on the forum, then thatā€™s pretty expressly against the rules

We arent playing ranked so I dont see any problem in this

Itā€™s always Ranked

There may be no leaderboard

But people are putting the time and effort into the that youā€™d expect from a Ranked mode

Iā€™d expect you respect that and honor the rules

Oh well. Should have written that down anywhere. Is that another one of these unwritten rules no tol player knows?

Outside advice is bad and should be illegal unless someone is hydra-omg


Thatā€™d be cheating to me. You donā€™t represent your own skill anymore then and you take credit for someone elseā€™s thoughts.


And sure

Occasional bending for fun? Go right ahead

Iā€™ve definitely messaged both @Arete and @Mistyx when they were the last Mafia to ask them who they were killing and wish them luck

But like

I havenā€™t ever started giving them advice because thatā€™s no longer bending a rule, thatā€™s not expressly violating one and changing the outcome of the game




Like having 2 people solving for 1 slot/figuring out how to lie for 1 slot.

Is terrible and shouldnā€™t be allowed unless itā€™s a specifically stated hydra game or bastard game


All you have to do is read the rules that youā€™re agreeing to

There is no trap

Nothing is hidden

I canā€™t believe weā€™re painting the publicly available rules as some kind of anti-ToL-player mechanism


I mean itā€™s pretty explicitly stated to me tbhā€¦