FoL Feedback Thread

it still got eevee penalized for a bit iirc and then he had to fight his case

You have to protect yourself and minors as well. FM can lead to severe mental stress. And THAT is always more important than some stupid ā€œyea dont speak with your best friends about what stresses youā€ rules.
I had that problem myself. The solution is always: your mental health is more important.

If youā€™re a minor being stressed out by FM

Just donā€™t play

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Nothing in an entirely voluntarily game is legally bound to make players feel comfortable

Nor to give them outlets for frustration


Is anyone going to complain about you venting to your family?


But the rule is written as it is because people will take advantage of rules that give leeway.


how is discussing your reads with other FM players necessary to help protect yourself


ftfy btw :slight_smile:

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Like yes Mental Health is important and we understand and support that, but the rules clearly state that you shouldnt talk about ongoing games, you can talk to your family about how a forum game is stressing you, or that the fact that people were mean to you online, but not specifics about the game itself. Like you cant be asking for reads or spreading reads to your family. You cant tell them your night actions and see if that makes sense. You can still talk to them about ur mental health and how its being taxed

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No. Thats throwing.

Replacing out is not gamethrowing

Especially if you feel overstressed and unable to actually play

Thatā€™s +EV for your faction



Side fuck you @Arete for EricH

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Replacing out when your not in a good headspace is not throwing. If the game stresses you out to much, thats probably better. Now replacing out cause you rolled scum, or because people are gonna lynch you sure.


if I could have convinced him to Not I would have!! itā€™s not like he said in scum chat ā€˜by the way Iā€™m going to go angleshoot-clear myself by threatening to replace out in the game threadā€™!!

You didnā€™t need to be the person pushing to clear him for it :thinking:

Like i have had to replace out due to this before. I felt I was giving the game a fairer chance since I didnt have the fortitude to play the game with the stress of school that was suddenly enhanced.

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replacing out is throwing???

i have done the same a few times

Thatā€™s legit but I wasnā€™t actually thinking about that aspect I was thinking about the ā€˜people who blow up at the thread are usually Vā€™ aspect

which was still somewhat questionable but

mostly I just wanted him to stop yelling at people :frowning:

Tbh I donā€™t see anything harmful if you screenshare to people you know

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