FoL Feedback Thread

Then don’t sign up until you have the time

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I mean the same holds true for slankers, we don’t punish someone for that after a single game. The only time I dealt out a punishment for that was after like 6 games of mass slanking.


We are not saying “this and this person has done it” thats ultimatively your job.
But we recognize the problem by sole numbers already.

i agree with this yes
don’t see how that post was arguing otherwise

it seems that we’re more or less in agreement here luxy
I think it’s too easy to replace out, but every possible solution i’ve heard and can possibly think of I find to be worse than the way things are now
so i prefer things as they are.

I’m not omniscient, thats why I am saying to make reports

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Yeah its gonna be less chances than that from now on at least


Either way theres not much we can do about replacing out sporadically by different people because it is fair.

Slanking harms the game more than a replacement does especially in a game that took months to create and weeks to play.



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If you have a replacement ready yes, otherwise no.

this is why i am a proponent of always having at least 2-3 committed backups before you start a game

Forum population is decent rn

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But overall there is no solution to this problem as all the suggestions I have seen harm the community by encouraging people to lie and break the mutual trust we all share so we can enjoy games of forum mafia in a competitive environment.

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If someone wants to quit, they’re gonna quit and they’ll lie to do it if they have to

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this is exactly what i just said
It is too easy to replace, but all possible solutions suck, and so long as there are backups, slanking hurts the game much more

It’s just as easy to replace out here as it is on mafia universe

I am talking specifically about a game I hosted in the past were I had to modkill Blue, because they were like the 4th or 5th replacement, but maybe that’s a outlier now. I don’t know, would only be a good thing.

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Both i find to be too easy.
But all possible solutions are far worse than the status quo
So the status quo is fine.

I was in your situation too. But believe me, a player saying “look he has replaced out here and here and here and here”, thats prone to bias, especially when all this info is public knowledge. You might want to hear it from the hosts. Problem is, this kind of behaviour is only punishable in repeated cases, so its hard to say it for normal people.

I dont think incriminating people will solve the situation. Yes, against the worst offenders its rightful, but its more like a mass phenomenia. The players need more encouragement to stay in a game.

I don’t think players replace out for fun