FoL Feedback Thread

be the change you want to see in the world smh

thats the yoke

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oh no i have comitted not getting the joke now i will be socially ostracised as according to the sacred rules of Le Woosh


Itā€™s too late for you.

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I actually like that idea. Its not elegant, but very effective

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Do people still have interest in normal FoLs?

If not, tell me why, so I can try to mitigate that

Insight (Day) - Gain a clue to your targetā€™s class type. You receive the same results as princess. - 4 Uses
Mind Read (Day) - You will see who your target visits tonight. - 4 Uses

Possible Buffs Gained:
Investigative: All uses of Insight and Mind Read will be replenished. Your visits will be hidden from Investigators for one night.

is there a reason that replenishing your eight uses of your day abilities is necessary when FoL games pretty much never end by the time youā€™d even use half of them

so like a gamer i thought of a few ideas

A) reduce day ability uses to 2 each
B) remove the replenish portion of the buff and have it only hide visits
C) remove the replenish portion of the buff and have the investigative buff enhance your results, so that Mind Read shows who visits your target as well and Insight gives you the exact class type

@Amelia totally suggested that third one


I agree with this as should be kind of obvious given I made that third suggestion

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A lot of people of the opinion of adding more neuts. Can I get an opinion on this?

  • 1-2
  • 2
  • 2-3

0 voters

This is essentially how much of a change we would want to make. 1-2 is how it is. Making 2 confirmed slots with no random factor is the second and less drastic change, or full blown neut city of 2-3 neuts

Noticing it now No and TOL is not too townsided is basically the same thing. So its kinda was a 50/50 split anyway

updated poll to show votes. sorry for those that voted


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my only issue with upping the neut count is that i feel like some neuts are designed to be the only neut? like, sellswords whole ā€œlol, no bd occ immunityā€ is kind of insane in the context of ā€œthere can be 2 or 3 chances to roll this 1/6 classā€


I think we need more neuts ngl

true it does reduce claimspace, the benefit I saw when I pitched it was it made balance easier on a 50/50 to know exactly how much something is gonna affect the game


Stirgoi will be almost always added. But if there are good and serious neuts pitched it be cool. Might wanna host a competition for thisā€¦ ill get back to yall if this will go through

I have some ideas and iā€™ll flesh them out later

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yea but that would req some kind of broad rebalnce possibly