FoL Feedback Thread

this is why we need to rise up @gamers

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those are the ones people always slap in to their game unthinkingly

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half of the tol playerbase is fake, wrong, bots, and most definitely doesnā€™t wear deodorant

bro we have a megathread for this come onā€¦

Guys they are killing fool. That present is a bomb


oh god oh fuck watch out fool

get as close as possible


oh fuck he has his airpods in he canā€™t hear us


The people must know
I cannot hide the truth from them

but Ici

if we donā€™t have Fool then really obvious evils wonā€™t have any way to defend themselves, so theyā€™ll be executed for being obvious scum

therefore getting rid of Fool would only benefit elitist veterans

I really should go to bed, but im just aint tired, yet have slept like 8 hours in the past two days

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try working out

but arete

if we donā€™t have Fool then advanced Fool players would never be able to exploit his presence in order to change the gamethread state and force mislynches and nolynches in spots they otherwisewouldnā€™t

therefore getting rid of Fool would only benefit Newbiesā„¢

remove neuts/NK

buff scum

rename FoL
rename unseen to Mafia
remove conversion and cult cause theyre dumb

on occasion.
probably not now

yeah but all my consistent means of exercise relied on being at college

Allow me to introduce myself

honestly should, my dad recommended the same thing as my sleep schedule has been fucked

your opinion doesnā€™t count because Iā€™ve arbitrarily decided so