FoL Feedback Thread

why don’t you replace out

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if we push them now we’d be toxic! back off, @Geyde


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@Arete has been replaced by @Emilia do not discuss replacements

good idea

I’ll make sure to announce that I’m doing so in the gamethread

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I’m going to discuss your face

forcespawn class 438 in every game

WHY do people do this. jfc

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thsi game sucks

im out

Toxic gamers really flexing their abilities by investing themselves into a social game and going a little far

We are looking for a replacement @Arete please help

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katze i know I said do not discuss replacements and all but they been replaced
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but i cant help myself theyre

if you mislynch me you’re toxic because I’m BD so you should have known that and probably you’re just voting me because you don’t like me

replace out
replace in

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the prince has died n1


i apologise for this gross indescretion
can i replace back into the slot of a living player now that i’m dead?

@Geyde has replaced in for @Geyde

if you discuss this im gonna modkill the entire scumteam

Dat the cop cries til Vulgard likes him again


geyde looking a little sus