FoL Feedback Thread

I spent some time writing and reflecting about the balance of FoL and why it seems like games like FoL 26 exist

I’ve come to the point where I believe I’ve identified the part of the game that makes the game so feast or famine
It’s the scum+ design of most abilities
Wherein hitting a scum with your abilities is several magnitudes better than hitting a town (outside of supports by I already noted them as an exception)

It might seem to be a basic observation, but I believe it deeply impacts how games end up turning out

What happened in FoL 26

FoL has always been super unbalanced tbh, its been reworked so many times by so many different teams at this point lol.

V stomp.

Add back trial period where people can defend themselves

Literally why the fuck was this removed

Because it’s ultimately unhelpful, wastes time, and overcomplicates things


Yeah I guess you are right


Glad we cleared that up

orange not used to people agreeing with him immediately :joy:


With FoL 27 having now concluded, we can discuss potential issues that arose in this game!

Specific things I want to hear opinions on:

  • The Mastermind passive
  • day-occing the Prince
  • Noble’s Bounty ability

Day occing prince was fucking stupid

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only allow non killing night abilities

keep it as is, fixing the MM passive to only allow non killing night abilities fixes this issue

this simply makes lynching the bountied player the optimal target every time
what to change it to, i dunno

EK situation isn’t considered a potential issue?

he would have autowon a 1v1 against a BD that couldn’t kill him, per a previous ruling by Geyde

what if noble was macho the night after using bounty

Shouldn’t take day abilities.

Completely stupid, if you are night occ immune you should be day occ immune.

Encourages mislynchs, I think it is but shouldn’t be usable until a certain night like 3.

This should retain ability charges across MMs

IMO not a problem

Should be changed to make it not optimal to go lolbounty on someone and get them lynched

Wait what is the new Bounty