FoL Feedback Thread

And it’s in las vegas

So I guess you can say it’s



it’s not a bad idea

tho at that point is it even fol

like i hate to be that guyTM but

removing cult would just make this a high power rolemadness bastard setup

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hahahahahahahah im so funny

cult points were interesting but some were too good and some werent good


i say this having never played a setup with cult points

Cult gives spice

Not knowing what faction it was for a few days played a big role in how the game progressed

People thought it was a n1 NK kill on Scorned and Cult converted, until we got an exhume

Removing the 2nd evil faction aint the way to go

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re add and tweak cult points

I don’t wanna sound rude, I’m just genuinely wondering what the basis was for the Mastermind Passive addition

It was very out of the blue and in my opinion doesn’t really fit

It was designed to nerf the massclaim meta by making it so that claims didn’t confirm people


bad idea

give all players a random and NAI flavor name at the start of the game, so you could have Elizabeth the Assassin or Merlin the Physician or whatever

that way everyone who wants to claim will have something to claim other than their role

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that makes sense, thank you. i didnt wanna sound like an ass

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inquisitor, your targets are

“Elsa, Danny DeVito, and Joycat”




hot take

Prince being day-occable is good from a balance perspective because it nerfs the viability of the D1 Prince strategy

yes just dont give unseen 3 day occs and the world is a fine place


Hot take

Prince should just be night occable


Inb4 a tavernkeeper gets converted N1 next game

just give every killer mindstorm

including BD ones :sunglasses:

Okay so according to the Prince classcard

Prince is day redirect immune