FoL Feedback Thread

Unless a better solution for this is made keep day-occing Prince.

Imagine getting forced to claim D1 like in this fol

italy wasnā€™t forced
somebody else claimed prince and he counterclaimed for no reason

RB is also not fucking you on D2
Its a later game problem mostly

i still think keeping the dayocc is cool because it encourages keeping prince cover
the problem is that only unseen can force this rn and the mastermind needs to take specifically tavernkeeper alts which is eh
i would do it differently
give CL a dayocc (2 uses)
give Assassin 2 uses of distract instead of 1

i donā€™t think the existence of this is a bad idea
like i said it encourages prince cover
i agree that it may be a problem lategame

No replenished uses please :eyes:

in that case they would be shared

definitely not replenished because thatā€™s just op

Is prince still not night occable lmao what?


Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night, even by means that bypass occupy immunity. You are also immune to target changing.


Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied or redirected at night, even by means that bypass immunity. You will gain occupation and redirection immunity during the day after being impacted once.

Iā€™d like takes on how second mm (would be starting assassin) should interact with the class chosen by the og mm

so in English how ā€˜pseudoclass transferā€™ should work

Perhaps second MM could only inherit the night ability?

Definitely should keep ability charges across MMs

thatā€™s guaranteed here if we keep ability as is
Iā€™m deciding between

I like that
Since while it wouldnā€™t affect too much, it prevents some busted combinations from going off in the late game

Impacted once?
What does that mean

You know how you get occ immunity if youā€™re occed thrice

This is that but specifically at day and one time

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Iā€™m looking for wording that makes this easy without having to vomit a lich-tier paragraph

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Sfol58 arbiter classcard intesifies

Alternatively we could change the formatting to accommodate for the fact there are multiple things at play here

Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied or redirected at night, even by means that bypass immunity. You will gain occupation and redirection immunity during the day after being impacted once.


Unstoppable (Passive) - You have the following benefits:

  • Immunity to occupation and redirection at night, even by means that bypass immunity
  • You gain immunity to occupation and redirection during the day after being occupied or redirected during the day once

Could we slam down a keyword for occ / red immunity to make our lives easier

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