FoL Feedback Thread

  • Curse of Corax
  • Anstreimā€™s Anguish
  • Civic Cunning

0 voters

time to vote all the options :wink:

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problem with Anstreimā€™s Anguish (even though itā€™s amazing) is that it shows completely that there is an Apostle

Then thatā€™s the risk of taking it/using it.

The first ability does the same thing
ITā€™s the only ability that can remove a vote midday without another player saying unvote

hm youā€™re right I should vote for the third then

even if we donā€™t actually use the ability of Anstreimā€™s Anguish we are most certainly going to use the name

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Anstreim for Canon

So I take it a frame isnā€™t on the table?

*2-target Frame

Let possessor see the class of a person he puppet strings

So basically Old Witch in ToS~!


Itā€™s a NK tho :thinking:

But hes pretty much going to be same thing as witch

Controller + death immunity + Class thing

He isnā€™t though :thinking:

He can read whispers has permanent death immunity and is a killer

Also who cares he is still horribly underpowered and this buffs his invest skills a little

I am against Neutral Investigatives

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I donā€™t mind neutral invests that are searching for something entirely inconsiquential to the game like ā€œfind all 3 holders of the ancient bunny rabbitā€ or some shit, but neutral invests able to find scum is meh. Unless theyrā€™e wincon is to see BD lose in which case it could be not completely terrible.

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What about a NK that can get a lot of info

I like that, its a unique avenue for an NK while still super beneficial to them for fakeclaim + target selection.

We should get one for FoL actually.

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