FoL Feedback Thread

nah alice said the PoE was in PoE


interesting maneuver

this is betterer

rework cult*

imo cult should have more of a focus on voting power/converting while unseen focuses on raw KP


converting is for the purposes of calculation kp
in practice, you have to be a bit more specific when youā€™re converting versus when using kp

overall, they act very similarly and giving cult more consistent / more access to converts is a direct buff to kp in either given direction
voting power translates into parity, which when reaching a critical mass just means they win the game at a certain player threshold

it seems interesting but I donā€™t think there are ways to make it deeper than surface level

I think itā€™s ridiculous we arenā€™t using jettison.
Jettison would celebrate revolutionary spacecraft technology as seen from SpaceXā€™s successful renewable rocket mission.
Are you trying to imply, by not using jettison, you do not like the success of spacecraft technology?

Execute is TOLs so that is why

Converts are way better than KP

Itā€™s both -1 town PR AND +1 scum PR


By the way, I came here to say this but am I the only person who thinks Princess is weak, itā€™s not an issue on ToL but on here it feels weak due to the amount of classes a person can be. There are:
K/O - 7 - 9 - 2 - 6
S/S - 6 - 4 - 2 - 6
S/I - 4-5 - 4-5 - 3 - 1

And you can add a +1 to any of them due to MM.
Either way these are just my thoughts on some classes, Princess just feels like a wasted roll, sometimes you can catch someone out but itā€™s also a waste of a convert and such.

ToL princess is way weaker than FoL princess tho

because wisp is actually useful here

and flirt is not much better on ToL

at least it isnā€™t Apostle :^)

the biggest nerf to FoL Princess is that it canā€™t clear out the MM PoE by finding people as non-S/I

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at a glance id say the weakest invest is prob sheriff? since MM is just

invest immune

in ToL theyre tailored for a few nights but theyre not flat out invest immune

why is MM so much stronger than anything cult has

Sheriff is incredibly weak but can still directly find Unseen which makes it powerful after Unseen have a convert while Princess is forever weak and even with Wisp, which isnā€™t necessarily that good, that only lasts two nights which is the opposite of Sheriff where it starts of strong and then goes weak instead.

i mean

its objectively better than sheriff/paladin cop checks

and since FoL games donā€™t usually last that long, N1 flirt N2/3 wisp usually ends up being much stronger than a sheriff in the first 3 nights


In all seriousness, that never works out from my experience.

thats actually what happened in fol 28 iirc. Got one BD check and one Cult check


TBE flirted the Crusader S/S, wisped the Mystic BD and the dead CL as Cult

not the best targets but the results arenā€™t bad