FoL Feedback Thread

I thought it won one of the early games, maybe im mistaken, the fk win

Also Merc isnā€™t gonna be revealing this either

I probably want to host the next but idk if anyoneā€™s already claimed it or not.

But I at least want to see a change happen to Mystic or Kingā€™s Allies.

Ah yes, because Scum are going to constantly waste their nights to kill non-Prince players just to kill the Mercenary.

triple N0
can kill their targets whenever they feel like it
has a ā€œconverts intoā€ but also has the convert immune icon???

Iā€™m talking about the conversion thing
Merc isnā€™t going to be claiming their targets
And will try their damn best to not TMI them town either

Anyway, collective opinion on the Neutrals since Kyo brought it up.

Why canā€™t Neutrals justā€¦

be Neutralā€¦?

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ā€œyou may not win while one of your targets are convertedā€
you are aware this is just a really complex blue dragon wincon

Neutrals shouldnā€™t be aligned to either faction because it just removes the point of having a Neutral and itā€™s literally just an extra starting scum if itā€™s bad or an extra starting town if itā€™s good which just defeats the purpose of having a Neutral roll in the first place?

^ this
the only reason Sellsword was considered a Neutral in throne of lies is because it sides with no faction, itā€™s just against one
but making all neuts good or evil just completely defeats the purpose of neutrality, doesnā€™t it?

we donā€™t need more aligned neuts

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Imma leave on this thought, balance is hard, swing is inevitable, we will try our best, but keep them suggestions coming

Because itā€™s swingy as hell

I love Neutrals, honestly theyā€™re probably my favourite thing about FoL.

But just thinking about how badly theyā€™re designed and how they just arenā€™t Neutral makes me question what the point of even having them is.

aligned neuts = bad
they defeat the purpose of neutrality itself
true neutrals = good
they do what they want, and arenā€™t restricted to picking one side
even if kingmakers are dumb and stupid and bad and dumb and stupid

Italy I want to keep liking your posts but Iā€™m out of them for over 10 hours lol.

i exist only to steal likes

everyone who has liked my posts and are on my top 6 likes donā€™t play FM anymore and only 1 of them actually exists still

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time to start liking everything u post

imma do the same for you since Iā€™m almost on your list.

Just 40 to go :^)

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