FoL Feedback Thread

wolves dominate







katze looks at class card thread and has opinions

why is MM permanently invest immune always

i donā€™t see any reason it should show up as BD on N4+ even if this will literally never come into play since FoL games donā€™t last this long

compared to every other cult convert

apostle is the only one who gets different abilities based off of what they convert from

i know old apostle was a meme but i feel like giving apostle the exact same confirmability as the exact classes they convert from is iffy because it goes against literally every other cult convert

but i donā€™t really have a proposed idea here

why does this still exist observer does not need this


i donā€™t get why paladin has a 1 shot hunter bear either but i guess ToL smite might be too busted here

has this EVER been used

does it need to exist


this class is not interesting to play as because WoW is very good and Flirt is Not Very Goodā„¢ļø

this class is not interesting to play as because the MM is investigative immune

and also it has no depth to it at all

this probably also applies to paladin to a certain extent

with how short FoL games 2f1 is really fucking good

this is probably a necessary evil?

honestly this ability is probably really fucking good

why does it exist

also why does poison potion bad now

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MM could retain its immunity but Sheriff could have the ability to bypass it

I had some unrefined blue bounty replacement thoughts but I didnt post them so hereā€™s what i remember

  • another way to deal with king
  • bounty that only triggers on scum
  • bounty but its not really bounty and instead Ā« If target player is executed tomorrow they will not be added to deadchat that night and may choose someone to attack Ā» so its like bounty in that it gets an extra kill for BD to use but this hopefully wouldnā€™t assure that the target gets executed and noble would be a (little) less confirmable/?
  • Gossip but it detects if the targeted player occupies/redirects/investigates someone else(so like a track where gossip is a watch)

I do know i had more bullets i just forgot them


i get ā€œmake mm harder to find with mechanicsā€ but ā€œmake mm impossible to find with mechanicsā€ while giving them either scum dayocc + bus driver or scum strongman with literally no downsides is

certainly a bit too much iā€™d say

so town would have guaranteed heal from bleed since phys isnt guaranteed to be in fol like tol

Luxy used it when he jailed himself
Didnā€™t help him tho

Iā€™ve seen no prince in fol who jails for protection/bleed heal i think
The axe/roleblock is way more important

While ā€œprince is the guaranteed healerā€ sounds okay in theory, it simply does not work in practice

haha templar go brrrrr
actually templar doesnā€™t bypass healing when rampaging i just checked what is this how did luxy die reeee

yes it does

facitonal bypasses healing

Rampage didnā€™t

luxy selfhealed but alice said there was a moderror and wazza shouldā€™ve died because you rampaged
so why did luxy die

did you even read the post

Rampage kills will not bypass healing

the actual factional will

but not the visitors to it



system is trying to oppress FoL into marson thoughts

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