FoL Feedback Thread


if we’re changing everything that converts to Apostle we should probably change Apostle again

Constable: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Marshal: 10/10
Ritualist: Should be reworked into Incendiary
Priest: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Mystic: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Butler: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant.
Chronomancer: :Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Court Wizard: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Cult Leader: Should be reworked into Incendiary
Acolyte: Should be reworked into Incendiary.
Seeker: Should be reworked into Incendiary
Maid: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Observer: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Alchemist: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Noble: Should just have abilities removed, reworked into BD peasant
Cabalist: Should be reworked into Incendiary

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Marshal can you give us feedback on the Mastermind change

sure but you will have to quote it for me because i’m lazy

I don’t actually want feedback the joke was that it didn’t fit into the FoL-into-Marson meme

I mean I do want feedback but

Fair point, but bongcloud attack

I could give feedback about all of the changes and probably it be not bad


trolling the FoL feedback thread with marson memes aligns more with my views and is way more fun


it took me approx 5 seconds of googling :^)

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waluigi should’ve won

that’s not my job

my job is to do literally everything except the things I don’t do

katze thoughts

Alch: meh, i feel like the class is just a really dumb support hybrid at that point as opposed to being a JOAT remove alch
Archer/Knight/King: bundling these 3 together for science reasons, don’t love it, don’t hate it, but i feel like it’s just gonna result in kings selfguarding a lot as opposed to actually doing interesting things with their night abilities, and also may partially remove the “guilt” of Knight/Archer cause they can just get kinged :wowee:
Butler: indifferent on party nerf, i think poison buff/change might just result in something similar to above but on a worse scale – poison GK -> King Butler negates the main drawbacks of poisoning a GK, but other than that i think it’s still a positive change?
Chrono: 2nd night ability is a thing i still don’t love but the rest is pretty necessary to keep chrono from being literally useless
Constable: im not fully sold on pally/sheriff merge but if it is a necessary evil then i think this is a fine cop
CW: ice ward is dummy good and this makes it only slightly less dummy good so sure (this is my way of saying that its potentially not enough, but its also a nerf i have no objections to)
Maid: wording might be a bit iffy but the actual changes are good, idk if removing change sheets is necessary but i also don’t think it matters
Mystic: mindmeld = locktown the only potential flaw is 5 man allies is kinda :eyes: but warp reality is kinda useless for BD (and fairly strong on cultseen tbf) so replacing it with an actual useful ability is good
Noble: dont know if i think nobleKing getting bounty is good (still think King always having bounty is better than this? idk, specifically NobleKing is weird) but the slight nerf to bounty is fine. maybe still gate it to N2+?
Obs: little bird wasnt necessary and now it is gone
Priest: i don’t know how much i vibe with it, but its worth testing

Acolyte: probably a good change?
Cabbage: ehhhhhh, kinda dislike it, but if CL changes go through i dislike it less
CL: it might be worth testing but i kinda don’t vibe with it
Rit: probably still needs more nerfs but proposed changes are fine
Seeker: adding 1 more use of gaze is fine, making it also check faction is debatable but i don’t actively dislike it

Marshal: nerd but also good changes, although i don’t think the “check neut count” one needs to exist and i’ll fight you on the “claimspace” argument
MM: more balanced and interesting than current MM, although the specific effects might need a bit of tweaking in terms of how they scale with eachother

Crusader: this neut can potentially be saved but i don’t fully oppose its removal
Vulgard: :heart:

Claimspace is pointless after around D4 when you’ve, more than likely, already claimed either way

add to the guilt passive that if they kill a GK with their ability votes for them to be King are silently negated :wowee:

You do it

marshal finding neuts is stupid

just like marshal

this is mech confirmable

being mech confirmed as a knight/archer is :wowee:

‘wow we all agreed to vote Arete for King, and they didn’t become King, they’re probably real’

‘also evils took advantage of the fact that we coordinated to do that to elect the Prince as King’

valid point

but what if prince dead

Quick point based on our talk from not so long ago:

Merge Alch and Prince