FoL Feedback Thread

And then Arete did it a second time changing nothing lmao


remove fool

Oh and it promotes actively solving

in the sfol games whatever idk how to speak

And we canā€™t have THAT can we

Anyways Iā€™m not home atm and am currently in a semifinal and donā€™t care enough about ToL to help tbqh BUT I would not be against justifying old SFoL18 stuff if I still stand by it

but Chloe

what if Iā€™m bad at doing anything resembling acting like a member of the Blue Dragon and donā€™t know how to write anything resembling fake logs

I shouldnā€™t get executed just for being obviously non-BD, thatā€™s toxic


just dont be bad

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But chloe thatā€™s unfair to the newbies

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Rework Alchemist to be a Survivor Neutral #debate

  • yes
  • no
  • fuck you

0 voters

Rework Fool to be a Jester #debate

  • yes
  • no
  • fuck you

0 voters

I can only do this to get it on the table

make alch neutral killing

keep Alch as is but also make it have to survive

convertable BD JoaT survivor


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So hereā€™s the deal

I donā€™t think FoL can or should be removed as its an integral part of this forum, and brings new players from ToL who are interested in seeing what itā€™s like in a forum setting
It gets people interested in FM, and they stick around to play other games

Iā€™m slightly biased, as I wouldnā€™t be here without FoL
But I think itā€™s important

We can change FoL
But outright removing it doesnā€™t make us FoL
It just makes us
i42 Forum


make alch like king

but we dont know who it is

alch spanws everygame

alignment is random


  • In
  • Out

0 voters

make everyone neutral killing, except for the mastermind

make the NK wincon ā€œKill 1 player and survive the Trial, or they survive until the d6 Trial and expose the Mastermindā€

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Make every single player King

But thereā€™s a specific amount of EKs

Tbh I feel the same.
I mean, in the poll earlier I voted the exact same as you so duh.
But like, FoL makes us how we have been, this is Forum of Lies, so we should not get rid of the integral part of what makes us unique just because it could use some changing.

Also I am happy to say this out loud instead of having it hidden by the anon votes.
But I am neuts in all the way.