FoL Feedback Thread

if we remove the fish, no more kittens

if we keep the fish, our house smells like raw fish

how about less fish but more delicious fish


dont have a nose



anything other food would be good

but people claim that that specific fish attracts kittens

and they don’t want to risk replacing with an alternative in case less kittens come to the house

Just have dogs

Puppies eat anything

Bongcloud attack

we can have

great food

right now we’re giving fast food to the kittens and then hope that their taste in food isnt fully developed yet

I was a kitten

i heard at the raw fish market that there was a house with nice owners and I decided to check it out. And it also had a raw fish, which is cool I guess

Now I have stayed in the house and turned from a cat into a human, because I fucked up my analogy, and now I hate the smell of raw fish and want it gone

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I believe in the bongcloud

replace the kittens with young human child and we become kidnappers

You should to
Friendship over with logic
Replacing reason with memes is my passion


What I am seeing from this is
We need to keep FoL alive
But actually never run it


This reminds me of the average “debate” in #feedback-discuss

we have to find a way to kidnap more children

Feedback discuss is inevitable

Rename cookie thread to #feedback-discuss

Rename me to feedback discuss

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But I’m not a mod

Get on it mods @DatBird @Chloe