FoL Feedback Thread

Hunter wins tho :wink:

I a person knows their is a hunter they can make it a draw

But king can never win and the hunter can win somehow.

Itā€™s intentional
King is meant to be a powerful late game threat
the later you get the more risky his double vote becomes
becoming actually unstoppable if he makes it to final 3

I think it should be reworked. I donā€™t want king to be that powerful tbh.

Then King just sucks lol

I feel Evil King should be buffed, as Devout King is worse

Also, if we want a debt-esque ability, can we just have Swear Fealty like they have in TOL?

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Itā€™s on my mind
I think itā€™s less interesting than debt but itā€™s definitely more balanced and easier for the host


Perhaps have SF form a neighbourhood with itā€™s target? Or would that be too strong?

Too strong, it also proves kingā€™s alignment

Kingā€™s alignment should not be provable to BD in any fashion


Indeed :thinking:

thatxs because you just got converted in sfol 31 huh?



Iā€™m at the ultra-mega angleshooting level

stahp talking about ongoing games elsewhere

this feeling people will start getting blacklisted
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Also make the current fool like the new one in TOL

lol never

ToL fool is awful now

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I mean itā€™s better then the one that disables trials