FoL Feedback Thread

Also just saying

I think thinking about things along class type lines like that is way too strict

Many classes find a way to blend things, and many roles are split across class lines

“Protectives” include one Support and one Killer

Court Wizard is partially Offensive, as is Prince

I think thinking about making classes in general all deserving of rolling is better than thinking about what class types spawn at what rates.

Also, right now Offensive is basically “can roleblock”, and I’d argue less roleblockers is better than an artificially increased amount.

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Not possible, Prince is guaranteed. :stuck_out_tongue:

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And Nobles get progressively worse as more spawn, because only one bounty a day, multiple royal bloods is less helpful, gossip is stronger with more invests/offensives present and Court spies can overlap. (Although, I guess a lot of abilities can overlap)

It also only helps if you say that without any specific classtype existing, the game is broken, to which I disagree. This also needs to keep in mind that Prince is a JOAT type basically and covers all types. Orange also made a good point on classes transgressing their type. Chronomancer can vig, Priest can do almost anything, Physician has some investigative quality, Hunter can occupy, Butler can kill etc.

I also made a great new BD offensive suggestion in SFoL 00

Physician has kind of thing to find out the killer’s class name on the dead players, right?

in ToL. In FoL, it’s this:

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It can basically confirms the butler if it’s used on dead king unless it won’t allow it

You misunderstand me. I didn’t suggest a new concept, it’s one which is already in the game.

You’re suggesting that without a number of equalish spawn balance between the BD types, that the game is broken. I don’t think I misunderstood you.

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Our point is that this is better

The only upside I can really get behind is less Investigatives overall

So you agree that 21% support, 14% social, 28% invest, 14% offensive, 21% killer
is exact the numbers you find the most optimal, right?

No, that’s a misrepresentation of my statement and I’m sure you know that.

Equivalent spawnrates per class is what I find optimal until a better argument is presented for another system

Those percentages are merely what they happen to be at the moment

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Agreed since something really shouldnt have a higher chance to spawn than others. If we have to many of one type we can always run a competition to try and fill out the other types. Social BD competition when

If you’re going to adjust spawnrates, you should do so indeed at class level and not at type level and that brings open a whole other can of worms. I don’t see why these spawnrates are problematic anyways.

And we’re already saturated with investigatives, so I don’t see many investigatives being added either. At least all current ones have distinctive archetypes.

“Don’t change it, it’s math and math is scary”

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Also I have a math minor :stuck_out_tongue:

Or, well, will