FoL Feedback Thread

Alternatively we could just have situations in which the Prince’s abilities are tampered with.

yes, definitely, absolutely

Unless you bring really good mechanical reasons for this, which are also not against the spirit of tol, NO.
I’ll not change the basics of the game just because of a personal opinion.

I’ve never heard a good argument for why Prince gets so much special treatment when it comes to occupy immunity.

It’s not a fundamental part of the game like the King or Conversion is.

It isn’t particularity swingy considering that occupying a Knight’s cold steel is considered perfectly ok.

And most importantly him not being immune nerfs mass claiming since even if you can coordinate supports to prevent him from dying he’s still kept in check by the possibility of being occupied. As it is now the only possible way to deal with a Prince is by Killing him, which if he is outed has far too much risk to do any time soon.

You want to stop mass claim meta? Removing Prince’s occupy immunity is a good step.


basically this is my whole argument for why being able to interfere with Prince is fine
Prince does need a nerf, after all.


Silencing doesn’t make sense linguistically when you’re not being forbidden from speaking in thread, which is a super anti fun mechanic in a forum environment and gives cover for slankers, which we wouldn’t want.

It’s not just Prince, it’s every occupy immune class. I think it’s good that NKs for instance can also not get blocked.

Day occupation is specifically worded like that, because it can be blocked by occupy immunity. Sounds kinda logical to me… :man_shrugging: The old description made it ambiguous on certain classes.

Both yes with current rules.

Bleh I can’t quote from locked threads?

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Servant Poison should be replaced by 1-time day immunity bypassing occupation imo. No random killpower on a convert and something that is more offensive.

Prince occ immunity bypasses occ immunity bypassers

Yea, that’s true, but the Servant Poison would just state it would also work on Prince then.

Welcome to be non-mod.


Wasn’t solic a mod before

I think this is neither the time nor the place to speak about this.

The fact the thread is locked is kinda annoying
We could just open the thread and just ask people not to post in it

Or alternatively a dummy thread that does have all the class cards on it that isn’t locked
So we have the official one that is locked
And then another one that isn’t

To be honest?
One sec. It’s a ghetto solution, but we can change that immediately.


In 2 years this will be changed into a Kings tab change my mind.


Petiton to add a Day 1 Lynch to FoL


I liked it in EFOL when we tried it

Well we tried it in EFoL 3, but we don’t speak about that one ^^
But yeah, we’re searching for changes which can prolong the game for a bit (because constant d3/d4 wins are unsatisfying), not to shorten it. Also I believe that D1 lynches are encouraging policy lynches. Give each player at least 1 night to contribute mechanically. Also doing a D1 lynch would shift balancing towards the BD side.
Yes, I consider it on the long run, but it’s nothing we need urgently and it’s kinda a huge change with a lot of impact, so I’m kinda inclined to postpone this idea for a few weeks.

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