FoL Feedback Thread

Its day 6 And We still havent gotten a single correct lynch

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Make Alchemist NK

Such privilege speaking. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


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No that was an NK win

Abyss 1

What happens if a Merc gets King and all their targets die?

This is no longer specified and Cowardly King was deleted.

I would assume you die

But no, that’s impossible.

As you have to stay alive anyway because you can’t be executed if your targets are dead and you just die.

According to the Pass The Torch ability, it relies on it.

Well the wincon needs one target to be alive still

so if both ur targets die, you leave game and hen there wont be any more kings if ur exed

This is specified once again.


or to survive

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Yeah, that was stupid in the last game with Plutocratic King, they just tried to exe their own targets so they can win with the NK

I did not notice that.

But I disagree with it in general.

This is literally how Merc is NOT intended
… I think.
I mean, winning together with the NK makes sense.
But killing off intentionally your own targets… not really.

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Make it so if he votes his own targets he loses?

or at least votes them and they are exed

That would make the problem worse, not better :eyes: