FoL Feedback Thread

Wasn’t there talk about Mystic after FoL24 I am recalling?

i’m going to start doing more stuff




changing it to ‘Can be used alongside Warp Reality’ since telepathy was removed


I just got an insane idea

Make mystic more unique my making it a mechanics oracle

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It’s an open setup

About What neuts/classes rolled

Semi-open with two different scumfacs, unknown amounts of neutrals, random neural killer

neural killer
it literally kills the brain

So nerf NK And remove claimspace

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Clarifying ninja (invests) vs ninja (actual ninja) effects

‘Will not be seen’ only applies to investigative abilities that check for visits. It does not bypass visit prevention.
‘Does not count as a visit’ applies for both investigative abilities that check for visits and for visit prevention. It bypasses visit prevention.

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Endgaming win conditions

If a neutral that has not achieved their win condition* (but can still win) by the time the game would normally autoresolve in a scum victory (but has not fully achieved wincon of eliminating all non-scum), the game continues until either:

  1. the neutral has lost
  2. the neutral achieves the win condition

*=An effect that resolves at the end of the game (such as fool / mercenary), depending on the factors that would make up that interaction (mercenary has a scum target that can’t be killed outside of anti-EV plays), the game will either autoresolve or continue going.


That’s such an idea

This is my way of saying it’s either terrible or brilliant and I’m not sure which


Natural Action Resolution conflicts between offensive abilities

  1. Visit Prevention
  2. Occupation
  3. Redirection

For disputes (2+ actions on same target of same level) of the same level, cancel the effect of both if relevant (VP / Red)

Visit Prevention has higher priority than Target Swapping

What goes where?

Disputes for basic action conflicts should consult this list

When it happens:

  1. Visit Prevention
  2. Occupation
  3. Redirection
  4. Target Swapping
  5. Killing
  6. Protection
  7. Miscellaneous Effects (everything else)
  8. Investigation 1 (Faction checks, type checks, etc)
  9. Conversion
  10. Investigation 2 (Scout, Observer, Little Bird, etc)
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If any problems with above list in terms of interactions please note