FoL Feedback Thread

Knight Guard
King guard

Yea this wont stop people from claiming at all :upside_down_face: since you cannot know that this NK is rolled on D1 when you massclaim

So, hes not bypassing occupations and preventions, right?
(okay he’s already occimmune, but preventions are important)

That seems like a players problem
It’s potentially dangerous and claiming on d1 often doesn’t help bd to solve well unless like 6 invests are rolled

Not bypassing visit prevention

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why does this still exist on a bleed immune NK

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This means you get the additional use of Whispers only for 1 night, and it goes away after that… is that intended?

I thought I remembered to duplicate the social effect to the support one

Killer bonus is special (@Luxy your formatting is weird)
It just gives the use permanently
I think

ooh perfect now we can segue into the formatting thing we’ve been talking about privately thanks geyde

How to solve d1 massclaim?
Open forum here

Make the game less BD-sided, then people won’t claim D1. That only started after it getting extremely BD sided iirc?

Some abilities pass night immunity but not healing

So lower it to 16p

It a permanent gain of the ability

Phrase it on card as such please my dude
Since other ones are one night only

No idea
Is the change towards 18 players seen as a positive or a negative thing?


On a non-NK? I can’t think of any

I’m trying to understand your logic