FoL Feedback Thread

Social empower makes sure it can’t be bypass roleblocked by drunk

I was told it doesn’t bypass anything

It doesn’t bypass either
I balance this setup

It kills the sorc in ToL

ah yes I forgot about FoL HH

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Unless thats changed, I havent played in 2 years :^)

ToL sorc doesn’t attack knight guards

But knight bypasses DI/heals in ToL, yes

and I’ve been told it doesn’t bypass either in fol

It’s locked

No, Sorc doesn’t get killed by it. Sorc has a passive which makes her to refrain attacking deathimmune and guarded players. (in tol)

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I feel like defend is just kinda useless compared to CS but I suppose the actual “defending” part still holds merit

Not like defend ever kills NKs in tol


It’s Corona times, enough time to change that

ToL made me a toxic person

Im not going back to that haha

But the forums is making people way more toxic than tol normally :wink:
And you were toxic here until almost a year ago, that’s long after you didn’t play tol anymore iirc?

2 years ago now

which was also when I played tol

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December 2018 was the last time I opened ToL according to steam

You know what makes people toxic?
Not practicing social distancing

That’s why I’d take this conversation and Pokémon go to the cookie thread

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But yea, Knight defend should mostly kill Assassins/Yolo Neuts/Cult Leaders, not NKs.