FoL Feedback Thread

it’s kinda pointless and the thing is obscenely difficult to do action resolution for

which abilities would this be

is the only thing that changed here the wincon?

also, Demon/MF killing everybody in F4 would mean mercs specifically kind of want them dead more than usual

Change in wincon
Gave pk F4 to keep in line with other NKs

Magical Barrier (Night) - Protect a player from negative effects and conversion tonight. Does not prevent attacks. - Infinite uses

Can someone help me understand what counts as a negative effect? Frame is an obvious one, and I’m pretty sure occupation and redirection count as well, but I would love some confirmation. Please!

I hate classes that have the “see blue dragon defeated at all costs” just is a really boring win-con.

I understand I may be in the minority with this opinion, but I feel it’s necessary to state it nonetheless.

I disagree with the Mastermind change. If you missed it, it reads as such:

I believe this change will cause Unseen to be much much more powerful than Blue Dragon, as well as their counterpart, the Cult. I’ve gone through all the non-unique Blue Dragon classes and compiled a list of abilities and interactions that most would consider to be very powerful. I believe any of these abilities would give Unseen an almost guaranteed edge over Blue Dragon, and in some cases, Neutral Killers as well.


The Alchemist’s Apply & Brew Potion allow the Mastermind to select from a number of abilites, all of which are very useful in the hands of evils - the most notable of which being Tar Potion, Health Potion, and Poison Potion. Even if Poison Potion still forces the Mastermind to suicide, it is still a very valuable end-game tool, if all that is needed are two night kills. If you stack this with a convert with kill or healing power you either have three nightkills, or a night where it is almost guaranteed that no Unseen die, as you are Death Immune, Assassin is healed, and convert is healed.

Absolutely the most overpowered selection by far - the Archer’s Multi-shot and Bulls-eye would practically guarantee an Unseen victory unless the Mastermind is taken care of very early into the game. Bulls-eye can strip Death Immunity from the Neutral Killer as well as many Neutrals, if you so choose. Along with this, Bulls-Eye/Multi-Shot can be used alongside 2f1 to almost guarantee 5 nightkills in a single night. That… is insane. Pair this with a convert with killpower and you can have SIX kills in one night. That just aint fun.

Edit: Ignore most of this talk about extreme killpower - I misread Multishot to say “fire an arrow at one of your marks”

One of the only classes where there is an argument for selecting either of the Night Abilities - Court Wizard has a selection of abilities that are extremely useful when usable by evils.
First off, Arcane Empower allows Assassin to bypass not only passive death immunity, but given death immunity as well, such as from Good King’s Guard or Hunter’s Bear. This could also allow an Alcoholic/Plaguebearer/Poacher/Sage/Servant/Wench to bypass occupation and redirection immunity for two nights - which is precisely what was trying to be avoided when removing half of Sellsword’s passive.
Second is Magical Barrier. Though this choice could be seen as worse than Ice Ward, it has infinite charges, which means it can be useful throughout the entire game. I am still waiting for confirmation on what specifically counts as a negative effect, but assuming I’m right, this would allow an Assassin or convert to be redirection and occupation immune for as long as you exist. Jeez.
Last but not least comes Ice Ward. Who needs an Enforcer when you, the Mastermind, can prevent all visits to your fellow Unseen member? You can also block heals on bleeds with this.

While Bear Companion is rather useless, the Hunter’s kit is a very very useful tool for Mastermind. Equipped with a bleed, you can ensure up to three nightkills in a single night with the use of 2-for-1 as well. Pair this with a Hunter’s Mark and you can have up to FOUR nightkills in a single night. Combined with some converts, Hunter’s Mark is nearly unstoppable, as it is possible to force one player to visit another.

Being able to Inoculate and chainheal your assassin is very good. Perhaps not as powerful as extra killpower or aiding your assassin’s kills, but it is still a very strong combination.

Tavernkeeper has a kit that is extremely useful for Unseen - especially after discovering the Prince, or after they are outted. Being able to day-occupy the Prince is extremely powerful. Along with this, you can pull infinite ToL-Rit swaps (FoL Invoker), by swapping an important Blue Dragon with someone else, and attacking that someone else, thus getting an almost confirmed kill on said Blue Dragon.

Although I only listed six classes, it’s quite apparent that these are very very powerful choices, and it is very likely that the Mastermind will choose from this pool - as it is absolutely in their best interest. Do you really want to face an Unseen with extreme nightkill power? Or an unseen that cannot die by many means? In my personal opinion, this passive belongs in SFol where things don’t necessarily have to be completely balanced. If you want to change Mastermind, perhaps remove the possibility of Killer abilities being selected, as that would be a good start towards making this balanced.

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oh god it really is arbiter all over again

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you’re forgetting the part where MM actually needs to be able to fire this arrow, and that isn’t possible with this setup

with that said i do kind of agree that giving MM SFoL58 arbiter status is probably a bit too much

I guess i read it as “fire an arrow at one of your marks tonight”

with that in mind, ignore the major killpower from the archer selection

you must be a member of the Blue Dragon with that reading comprehension :heart:


Damn I haven’t played fol in years but that looks crazy crazy strong lmao

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You can’t occupy the prince even bypassing it.

key words are at night

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I’d just remove the killer abilities, tbh. Giving extra KPN to scum is way too strong as scum doesn’t have the downside of not knowing who’s on their side. I’d limit the bus drive to 1-2 uses as well as it’s completely broken for scum to be able to swap freely like this.

Also day-occupying the Prince isn’t that much of an issue. It’s a single-use action and so it’s not like it completely makes the Prince irrelevant.


Being able to day occupy Prince when it’s the deciding factor in the game, or when you know that Unseen is going to be jailed could be extremely powerful.

Though I do agree that it doesn’t make Prince irrelevant


do you need someone to go put the updated cards in the class card thread?

also will those changes be in effect during FoL27?


Possibly pending further updates (e.g. to the Mastermind passive change)


i love you

The class card thread has been updated with the changes discussed in this thread

The Mastermind change has been slightly modified; it now prohibits taking abilities from Killer-type classes (so as to avoid giving Unseen too much additional KP)

please tell me if I accidentally did something dumb like copy-pasting over a class