FoL Feedback Thread

I guess i read it as “fire an arrow at one of your marks tonight”

with that in mind, ignore the major killpower from the archer selection

you must be a member of the Blue Dragon with that reading comprehension :heart:


Damn I haven’t played fol in years but that looks crazy crazy strong lmao

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You can’t occupy the prince even bypassing it.

key words are at night

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I’d just remove the killer abilities, tbh. Giving extra KPN to scum is way too strong as scum doesn’t have the downside of not knowing who’s on their side. I’d limit the bus drive to 1-2 uses as well as it’s completely broken for scum to be able to swap freely like this.

Also day-occupying the Prince isn’t that much of an issue. It’s a single-use action and so it’s not like it completely makes the Prince irrelevant.


Being able to day occupy Prince when it’s the deciding factor in the game, or when you know that Unseen is going to be jailed could be extremely powerful.

Though I do agree that it doesn’t make Prince irrelevant


do you need someone to go put the updated cards in the class card thread?

also will those changes be in effect during FoL27?


Possibly pending further updates (e.g. to the Mastermind passive change)


i love you

The class card thread has been updated with the changes discussed in this thread

The Mastermind change has been slightly modified; it now prohibits taking abilities from Killer-type classes (so as to avoid giving Unseen too much additional KP)

please tell me if I accidentally did something dumb like copy-pasting over a class


baseline observation is that game is hard to balance outside of particularly egregious examples of ‘power over others’
the game suffers from the critical mass problem
where one of several of things leads to a massive imbalance should these factors be in any way effective against scum
Offensive (against cult)
As to aid in protection against each factor at play here, we have several counterbalances that don’t work against all but work against some

Investigative: Godfather
Offensive: Occ / Red immunity (so so many classes have this)
Killing: Tons of bpvs (again cult suffers)

In order to counterract these, scum must act proactively through conversion and manipulating the targets of these effect, with some instances of being able to mechanically manipulate them
Ultimately, this is why things like ToL work well
The abilities, assuming marginally random targets in most cases, will invariably hit scum by random occassionally
abilities are geared in a way that hitting scum significantly increases their effectiveness, as the reliability of not hitting scum (cop still has clears in c13), sucks
ergo game is fundamentally geared toward deepwolf play

game is seemingly at odds with itself

that is funneled into the scum+ part of abilities
paladin greenchecks suck
there are several scum immune to the
occupation on town somewhat sucks, considering we’re seriously considering giving all nks knowledge if they are blocked or redirected
killing is most egregious example
games are lost by bad use of killing abilities
but won by good use
and even then scum have a shit ton of bps

Social/Support are the weakest classes therefore, since none of their abilities directly impact the gamestate in a meaningful way.
Self-confirmation is only marginally useful

same as cop checks
in a game like c13
where getting obvtown as a n0 often fucking sucks
supports suffer from scum either completely subverting them or the impacts of their abilities ultimately being negligible
All NKs have ways to stop the ‘follow the prince’ strategy
Cult has ways to kill prince
Supports suck

We keep adding ways to counter supports…but should we instead be figuring out ways to counterract the 3 problem categories?

also Prince is a problem class
because it creates design hiccups while also being the most swingy class by far
It has invest
It has offensive
It has killing

spirit of tol fundamentally different than spirit of fol
tol embraces the fact that people won’t mass coordinate in its design
well, not fact
with so much time to communicate, but the removal of whispers, most of the fundamental aspects of the game don’t mean shite
scum+ design becomes worse
since invest catching a scum means that scum can be exploited in any number of ways by prince/offensive/killing
offensive can be used to lock out game much easier
killing creates a be all end all for design

I spent some time writing and reflecting about the balance of FoL and why it seems like games like FoL 26 exist

I’ve come to the point where I believe I’ve identified the part of the game that makes the game so feast or famine
It’s the scum+ design of most abilities
Wherein hitting a scum with your abilities is several magnitudes better than hitting a town (outside of supports by I already noted them as an exception)

It might seem to be a basic observation, but I believe it deeply impacts how games end up turning out

What happened in FoL 26

FoL has always been super unbalanced tbh, its been reworked so many times by so many different teams at this point lol.

V stomp.

Add back trial period where people can defend themselves

Literally why the fuck was this removed

Because it’s ultimately unhelpful, wastes time, and overcomplicates things