FoL Feedback Thread


Okay we replace debt with a framing ability :clap:

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That permanently frames everyone and is compulsive on all starting Kings?

Exactly. Better then debt.

On a slightly different note, I think @psychoneirik’s beast lord from GD2 is a pretty fun NK that has killer-JOATs, as a slight balance have them be mutually exclusive with the hunter aka the hunter will not spawn if they are in-game but that would be a good natural fake-claim

For those interested, some small reworks to make it CFoL suitable woud be required, but beyond that I think its a fine NK


Look it made the game hilarious anyway so who cares


Cause it has a bear, and might like to claim hunter

His Bear is a CoD. Hunter’s is different.

Also you can just claim Hunter anyways. The risk of a counterplay makes it more effective when there isn’t one.

So like

More complicated Moon Spirit


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wtf is moonspirit

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You don’t remember Moon Spirit?



Hmm I was reading the GK class card and it appears that the gk after a starting king receives sf. So wouldn’t the bd just exploit it where they kill a king d2 and then have king sf night 2. And then have 2 sf targets

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Yeah definitely think SW should be for starting king only or like assasin 2 for 1 where the uses carry over from king to king

no, it’s starting king only
just forgot to include that in the card


Well that is your fault

u rite

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hell no.

Are you ever going to change sellsword and or merc. :thinking:

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