FoL Feedback Thread

The irony is that I said you and you apparently didn’t vote lol

Trials just has somebody who can cause an instant CFD or end the day.

Thats the difference.

Other than that, its the same shit.

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Can someone actually reply to the poll

And that difference may matter a lot. Even if it isn’t happening often it doesn’t mean it can’t be a decisive factor.

Honestly though it would discourage sheeping without trials so that’s a bonus

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It’s more the fault of people who take faulty conclusions from said polls like not incorporating possible biases in my opinion.

We shouldn’t balance through majority poll results.


The funny thing is that I’m actually 50/50 on this. I just like playing devil’s advocate. Never been annoyed at trials and I think new DFE will be problematic, but that’s about it.


I do agree on this, because the result may be horribly unbalanced.

But, for our current situation, I do believe trials should go, as They bring very little to the table, and FK makes a great point: It encourages sheeping, which is hot Garbo rn.

It discourages voting at all, which is very negative to me. If you allow sleeping to happen as town, that is on you. Be a better shepherd.


Sheeping would never be gone for real. It will take some time until people will learn that relying on coinflip if whether so called “Town Leader” would roll Town and opposite may not be the greatest idea.

I mean.

Think of it as this

If we get rid of trials, Everyone is on trial, as now anybody can be voted, instead of deciding for one person if they should die or not.

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Like, it actually makes votes now have more pressure then they did before.

and while i know you are playing devils advocate atm solic, i do think that you would be for the removal of trials, considering how you play, and that this buffs your play style aswell.

It’s not going to unequivocally discourage sheeping, It’s going to increase the impact and pressure of a vote. If voting behavior would remain the same, it is actually going to increase the harm sheeping does, because a single vote matter more.

Trials give room for people to call out sheepers and make them second guess their position aka give a defense.

I think Luxy has the right idea.

We should have an EFoL with these changes, and see how it plays out.

Then we can see if its bad or good for the game.

It will also get me quicklynched more, because my timezone is inconvenient. I don’t like giving advantage to players that can be more active and on a lot more. They already have enough of an advantage as it is.

Games should not be decided by postcount, crudely said.

Id say we need an EFoL to test it, and see what the outcome is.

Then we can come to a conclusion on the matter.

why are you using that argument though, it’s the same as every FM.

Why do you think I wouldn’t support trials in fm?

I never said that, it’s just your argument that it discourages voting…

Meh I’m tired of arguing