FoL Feedback Thread


The Mystic :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to the a player. Cannot target the king. - 2 uses
Link Minds (Night) - You and your target will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. Cannot target the king. - Infinite uses
Conduit (Night) - Your two targets will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. You will later be given the entire conversation. Cannot target the king. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Mystic :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Religious Fervor (Passive) - Your presence ensures that any religious rivals do not nest in Adiart. The Priest will not spawn.
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to a player. Cannot target the king. - 2 uses
Link Minds (Day) - Select two players that will have a private night chat for this night. Can select yourself. You will be privy to the chat at the end of the night. Can be used alongside Telepathy. Cannot target the king. - Infinite Uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Illusionist :shield:

Unseen Social
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to a player. - 2 uses
Construct Reality (Night) - Your target will receive incorrect results from investigations tonight, and will appear to be the Assassin to any investigations on them. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Illusionist :shield:

Unseen Social
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to a player. - 2 uses
Link Minds (Day) - Select two players that will have a private night chat for this night. Can select yourself. You will be privy to the chat at the end of the night. Can be used alongside Telepathy. Cannot target the king. - Infinite Uses.
Construct Reality (Night) - Your target will receive incorrect results from investigations tonight, and will appear to be the Assassin to any investigations on them. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

For Priest:

Religious Fervor (Passive) - Your presence ensures that any religious rivals do not nest in Adiart. The Mystic will not spawn.


The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support
Pants on Fire (Day) - The target player will target themselves if they attempt to use a day ability today. - 2 uses
Magical Barrier (Night) - Protect a player from negative effects and conversion tonight. Does not prevent attacks. - Infinite uses
Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Sage or The Ritualist
Cult points: 2


The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support
Arcane Empower (Day) - In addition to its normal effects, your target this night will bypass immunities (does not count for conversion) and be guaranteed to succeed with their actions this night. Their investigative abilities will always receive correct results. - 2 Uses
Magical Barrier (Night) - Protect a player from negative effects and conversion tonight. Does not prevent attacks. - Infinite uses
Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Sage or The Ritualist
Cult points: 2


The Reaper :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with two souls. (Does NOT work if executed by The Prince)
Icy Touch (Day) - Choose to do a number of the following actions to target player. You will consume a soul for each action chosen. Prevent target player from using day abilities for the rest of the day. Occupy target player this night. Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. - Infinite uses
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them and occupying them. The victim can not be healed. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. - Infinite uses
Gathered Darkness (Night) - Consume two souls to kill a player. Bypasses death immunity, and the victim can not be healed. They will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified), and you will receive their real logbook when they die. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


The Reaper :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with two souls. (Does NOT work if executed by The Prince) You will gain one soul on a successful reap.
Icy Touch (Day) - Choose to do a number of the following actions to target player. You will consume a soul for each action chosen. Prevent target player from using day abilities for the rest of the day. Occupy target player this night. Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. - Infinite uses
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them bypassing healing and occupying them. - Infinite uses
Gather Darkness (Night) - Use Reap on target player. In addition, choose to do a number of the following modifications. You will consume a soul for each modification chosen. Bypass death immunity or they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified), and you will receive their real logbook when they die. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

And finally a tweak to the last rendition of Fool:

The Fool :shield: :fire:

Neutral Social
Insanity (Passive) - Immune to death from non-BD attacks once. If more than 2 other non-BD are executed during the day, you will suicide the next night. You will see the true nature of any tampered lynches.
Final Prank (Passive) - You may use Deceive 2 times after the night you get lynched.
Mask of Many Faces (Day) If you are lynched today, you will flip as the class of your choice. - 2 uses.
Eavesdrop (Day) - Check the alignment of the target player. You will receive the result at the start of the night. (1 use)
Deceive (Night) - Choose a class and whom target player visits and is visited by. Investigators visiting target player will receive results corresponding with your choices. Resolves after frames/tailors. Can target self. - Infinite Uses
Make sure no more than 2 other non-BD are lynched during the course of the game.


Mystic and Priest can’t spawn together.
Mystic can now speak more freely at night, has to select targets during the day and no longer is hidden.
Illusionist can link too.
Court Wizard’s PoF removed and added a version resembling ToL’s empower.
Reaper buffed by allowing more versatility in spending souls and gaining a soul if using empower Darkness. This prevents more N1 NK death scenarios.
Fool, removed Poor Fellow, given self-defile and a slight buff to the being lynched strategy in being able to use Deceive twice more post-death if dying that way.


LF > Noble inspiration btw.

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I’m cool to try this Fool out :+1:


Me too


The Noble

Blue Dragon Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Pull Rank (Day) - Your vote will count as two today. This will not be announced publicly or affect the number of votes required to reach majority. - 3 uses
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed tomorrow and is Blue Dragon then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. You cannot target King. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Aristocrat or The Apostle
Cult points: 2

The Aristocrat

Unseen Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Pull Rank (Day) - Your vote will count as two today. This will not be announced publicly or affect the number of votes required to reach majority. - 3 uses
Incriminate (Day) - Slip a player forged documents, making them appear evil to investigations tonight. - Infinite uses
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed tomorrow and is Blue Dragon then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. You cannot target King. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Apostle :crossed_swords:

Cult Social
Dark Words (Passive) - While you live, living and dead Cult members can communicate at night.
Eminence of Mithras (Day) - At the end of the day, you will learn who voted for whom during today’s king election. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Noble

Blue Dragon Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Court Spies (Day) - Disable the Unseen/Cult Chat for the coming night and day. - 1 use
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed tomorrow and is Blue Dragon then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. You cannot target King. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Aristocrat or The Apostle
Cult points: 3 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
Court Spies: Cult Connections (Day) - At the end of the day, you will learn who voted for whom during today’s king election. - 2 uses

The Aristocrat

Unseen Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Incriminate (Day) - Slip a player forged documents, making them appear evil to investigations tonight. - Infinite uses
Bounty (Day) - If target player is executed this day and is Blue Dragon, then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. You cannot target King. - 2 uses
Pull Rank (Night) - In the coming day, your target will require one less vote to be executed. - 2 uses
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Apostle :crossed_swords:

Cult Social
Eminence of Mithras (Day) - During a king election, your vote counts as two. Stacks with Royal Blood to 3 votes maximum. - 2 uses
Corax’ Influence (Night) - In the coming day, your target will require one less vote to be executed. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Noble Variants received a rework.
Noble’s doublevote is gone and is now unconfirmable without a mislynch and thus claimable!
Instead they can disrupt scum communication once now with a 1-use day ability.
Aristocrat and base Apostle receive a “doublevote” towards a specific target that has to be decided previous night and can be blocked by offensives to retain being powerful converts with removal of classic doublevote.
Aristocrat’s Bounty moves towards the day, as it’s largely a confirmability tool and it’s easier to do so then.
Cult alt for disrupting chats will be more insight in king elections.
Noble cult alt gets 3 points for relatively weak abilities otherwise.
Base Apostle loses dead chat interaction as that lessens converting a Priest and is also useless without any dead. To compensate they gain voting power.

Yes, I will keep changing this format with every new change announcement


I read this as dad interaction instead of what it says normally


You always see what you want

Fuck, you’re right

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Are there any FoL Patch Notes in one simple thread?

The FoL cards and simply look back at the edits.

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New Court Spies are interesting

I dont know when it is a good time to use it, but maybe the first couple of nights, as you can screw up their communication early.

Its a change that must be looked at if Noble is rolled, and to see what the usuage of it.

Idk how I feel about court spy

guess we have to wait to see what it does


What is court spy

It disables scum chat for whole day/night

I don’t like disabling scumchat, nothing fun or engaging about it for Noble (because you just press the button, no need to even guess who might be scum), and super not fun for evils who don’t have any countermeasure to this.


Again, as i said, its a change that def should be monitored (Espically with a new FoL signups rn)

Day abilities are disabled d1, so it wont fuck over scum n1 and d2, but using it d2 Can be huge for night time and daytime.

Its something to see, if its powerful and it fucks scums game up too much, then yes, it needs to be changed/replaced

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They can always make a plan montage before plug is pulled


They Can, but they wont know noble is in the game, unless they convert the noble, or the noble outs themself.

Its an ability that can be very swingy, and disabling scumchat for as long as 4 IRL days is very powerful.

Wait is that a thing


That’s stupid on the level of Fool wtf