[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Yes I may made a oopsie last night but that doesn’t mean my scout is without reason, because the player behind hunter claim is pretty much ruining the atmosphere here and I think we ASKED him to prove he’s not MM which I am now beginning to doubt the stupidity might be just cover.

(MM, not Hunter)

To me, exclaiming bearing N3 is like screaming lamist in my ears.

Your oopise was a pretty bad idea ngl.

Hey yall we still thinking converts are after revive right?

Go to bed fan at tic

But I just woke up

We still asked him to prove he’s not MM and what did he do? Trap at N3 doesn’t prove he’s Hunter and you know it.

Hey guys I have some solid info you want it?

From you? :thinking:

Yeah I found some stuff out

I’ll listen but might not believe it

Well I know for a fact that this game has been pretty swell and I thank you for listening to me since no one else does. The real info is that I have only found one member of my team this whole game, so it seems RIP me. Have fun yall you still seem to have a NK on your hands

And you’re saying Isaac is 2nd Neutral?

Oh wait ur gonna listen to me now? Maybe reread the paragraph and u can get your answer

I didn’t ask about opinions, I ask you if that’s a yes or no

You’ll have to wait and see my good sir. It would be a waste to ruin the surprise now. Just remember, have fun and dont overthink

Took you so long to answer, so I call it a bluff

Was just taking a bit because I didnt want to lie

Isaac is fool or possessor no matter what.

If Isaac is fool then NK exists and Datbird can’t be fanatic and is therefore probably MM.

If Isaac is possessor then Datbird is likely Fanatic. Ergo no matter what DatBird is evil stop assuming what they are saying is gonna make sense.

A host got back to me and said not to trust what they said so “shrug”.

And I remember seeing it the other way. We need a standard rules doc.