[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

On what I said? Or on the whole revive vs convert thing?

Anything. You’re evil and anti town trying to stop us from succeeding so throw out what you say.

That doesnt answer my question

You didn’t ask me to prove I am not MM you asked to bleed if MM was dead. The latter if was not met.

So what’s ur plan tonight?

Do nothing as I can do nothing?

That’s cool. So hows life? I’m really bored

Guess I’m so evil cant even know how life is…


Link the comment

Previous games were bastard. Hooray

We need the standards document.

At work can’t.

Very well, I wait until then

Still, I don’t imagine that I as Unseen convert would be saying that.

Last thing that town need is scum!Frost and evils have lateTown!Frost, you know?




Have you submitted exhume of Hjasik yet?
And Margaret is bleeding.

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In both these scenarios, DatBird still get honored visit to Margaret’s Dungeon.

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is that like DND?

Ever heard of Atmosfear?