[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

@bazingaboy This is an official command by the Prince

Heal me TONIGHT.

It does not matter if you healed me last night.

Heal me tonight. Assassin wanted you to think that I was safe and frame you for lynch the next day.

If you fail to heal me, even with this order, you are either hard uncooperative or scum


Do NOT bleed anyone unless I tell you.

Confirmed towns
(Ironically, all at top of ping list)

Which leaves CuteAlch which can be ignored as there are still confirmed kills occuring

Frost - Sheriff
Mathblade - Hunter
Ezreal - Lynch for the day likely
Bazinga - Physician

Well yes, Alice got visited by member of unseen.

Strangest thing is I got this notification “you were unable to investigate your target”

Excuse me wtf?

You investigated DatBird?

No, Baz.

/vote Frost


You fucked up

And why is that?

I executed Alice

Good game tho Frost


You see frost, I needed to test you

And the only way was to test your scout

You claimed alice got visited by Unseen

But she couldnt have been since I executed her

You joking right?


Second of all, you never tested me

@anon97870008 You can out as CW now btw

You did well figuring out my terrible plays

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Mystic exist.