[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I read Alchi as BD d1 and do this still.

Fake claim. Demon messed with feedback? Mod error? You’re scum? Lots of possibilities.

But if we take Cute being truthful, then Priestess cannot be the NK as they were S/S n1.


Also, why would I put all the heat on myself if I was scum? It makes no sense whatsoever.
I outted myself to try and help someone I believe to be BD.


When tf was mod error an argument


Demon can mess with feeback how?

So scum and scum so Priestess is still scum NK?

Demon = drug dealer yeah?

Come on, Math.

(no pun intended)

I played Demon before and I know it doesn’t work like that.

Demon is NK

What is wrong with you

Something is 100% wrong here I just don’t know what

The only way Priestess is scum in the case of Cute truth telling is if she is a convert. Since the only convert is Met who wasn’t a Fool as he didn’t redirect Cute then Priestess is clean. The only way she is scum is if she is something like a Scorned or a Devil.

A fool doesnt exist

A devil could

They why would Priestess come up as scum if Priestess is clean?

Explain me why a scum would out themselves as princess to put heat on themselves?
Like, that makes no sense.

Why would I come up as scum? I am always BD.

How did she come up as scum? She was redirected to Soul and this could have, and likely is, coincidence.

Since when did Priestess come up as scum.

Am I missing something?

None of this does. You’re stating two logical impossibilities and asking what I should pick. I pick neither and remain confused.

S/S = Scum and Scum yeah?